Transcendence is virtual transfering your mind towards another body or realm.
This tranfering may be referring to human or robtics or any kind of creatures or avaters.
Those who are religious concept beliver also kind of transendence of soul after death toward another dimention world. Ours is three dimention world and may be transfering to
another 4th or 5th or infinite dimention. Dimention is a complex concept which will be better understandable from sci-fi movie 'Intersteller 2014' where as the place Matthew McConaughey went.
And those who had seen the 'Transendence 2014' movie can better gasp the concept I am talking about here.
But anyway, Transcendence is my digital creation art and it is made from my art with Canva also available on below. ============================================================
Thank you,^_^
I love your transcendence digital art. Colorful and sharp... There are many layers to it. Nicely done! 🙂
Thank you @kemmyb , I am glad you like this. Have a great day 😍