Watercolor and colored pencil art (Mixed media)

in Nerday3 years ago


Titulo: Enredadera
Técnica: Mixta (Hoja canson 200 g/m, lapiz color faber castell, acuarela y acrílicos).
Medidas: 24 x 32 cm.

Title: Creeper
Technique: Mixed (Canson sheet 200 g/m, faber castell color pencil, watercolor and acrylics).
Size: 24 x 32 cm.

Referencia / Reference




Como te trepas en la mirada, pidiendo a gritos mis besos rojos.

How you climb into my gaze, crying out for my red kisses.


Con el azul de tu sombra iluminas cada detalle, esa luz que provoca e incita a marchitarse.

With the blue of your shadow you illuminate every detail, that light that provokes and incites to wither.


Oscuros son tus cabellos como un carbón que lleva meses apagados, escalando de pétalo en pétalo como una flor infinita.

Dark are your hairs like a coal that has been extinguished for months, climbing from petal to petal like an infinite flower.


Hidratado con el dulce néctar y tan largo como si del cielo descendiese.

Hydrated with sweet nectar and as long as if it descended from heaven.


Eres parte de esa naturaleza, enredada y descuidada, con tu turbante de flores.

You are part of that nature, tangled and unkempt, with your turban of flowers.


Detalles / Details







O www tu dibujo esta súper hermoso saludos

Muchas gracias¡

Wow. I love this. And the way you described each outline. You did amazingly well. @koxmicart. I hope you are good? 🥰

Thank you very much, happy that you like what I do. 😊❤️

It's my pleasure 🥰❣️💚

Hey, @koxmicart , this is me checking up on you. I hope everything's fine?

I'm fine, it's nice that you care about me, I'll be back with my art soon. 😊

I'll be looking forward to it. And I am glad you are okay 🥺🥰❣️