La ilustración que compartiré hoy es diferente, aunque ya compartí una publicación previa sobre este personaje, esta versión es diferente y hecha usando dos diferentes app, me gustó el estilo que logré los rasgos del personaje se ven sutiles y realistas, los detalles pueden notarse con mayor facilidad.
The illustration I will share today is different, although I already shared a previous post about this character, this version is different and made using two different apps, I liked the style I achieved, the character's features look subtle and realistic, the details can be noticed more easily.

Procedimiento: / Procedure:
Uniré fuerzas con dos aplicaciones usare autodesk y medibang en la tableta a8 Samsung, haré uno de mis personajes originales Kyasuri en esta oportunidad es uno de mis preferidos, de principio usaré la aplicación autodesk para poder bocetar y trazar el dibujo principal, haciendo el esquema del personaje y la pose que llevará.
I will join forces with two applications I will use autodesk and medibang on the Samsung a8 tablet, I will make one of my original characters Kyasuri in this opportunity is one of my favorites, at first I will use the autodesk application to sketch and draw the main drawing, making the outline of the character and the pose that will take.
En el momento de colorear pase a la siguiente app medibang, en la cual coloreé al personaje, debo decir que esta aplicación me gustó mucho para colorear, los pinceles funcionan perfectamente y hablando más de la app es muy intuitiva y tiene todo lo que necesitas para ilustrar, también si quieres hacer comic tiene opciones que sin dudas te ayudará.
At the time of coloring I went to the next app medibang, in which I colored the character, I must say that I really liked this application for coloring, the brushes work perfectly and talking more about the app is very intuitive and has everything you need to illustrate, also if you want to make comic has options that will certainly help you.
Le doy el color al personaje, también cambiaré mi estilo de pintado que usualmente hago con colores plano, y usaré una técnica buscando que se vea más realista y así le daré más volumen a todo el dibujo, me gusta siempre hacer algún tipo de fondo épico, puse un fondo con rayos y con algunas capas en modo brillo, le di un aura rosa para que los colores brillen más.
I give the color to the character, I will also change my painting style that I usually do with flat colors, and I will use a technique looking to make it look more realistic and so I will give more volume to the whole drawing, I always like to make some kind of epic background, I put a background with lightning and with some layers in glow mode, I gave a pink aura to make the colors shine more.

Thank you for supporting my works, until a next creation!
Contenido original, foto tomadas desde mi tablet Samsung galaxy tab a 8 con spen.
Original content, photo taken from my Samsung galaxy tab to 8 with spen.
Wao, que talento tienes, me encantó esta ilustración. Saludos!
Muchas gracias, estoy feliz de que sea de tu gusto, saludos
That's pretty tight
Thanks for commenting, greetings
Oh my God! This is so awesome, I wish I can draw like this.
The only thing I can do a lot well is the faces, but postures and body structure are always hard nut for me to crack. How do you guys go about that,?
Thank you very much for your comment, I am glad that it is to your liking, the truth is that construction is something very important when drawing your character, I would love to be able to share my work methods so I will soon be making a special publication explaining all that. So you don't miss it, regards✌️
Oh alright. Looking forward to it then
woow mega talent. Congratulations. Did you draw this character yourself or did you just colour it? It looks amazing!
I drew it myself, this is one of my characters if you want to see more of my drawings I invite you to my instagram profile, thanks for commenting🤗✌️