Caricature 6 - Karikatura 6

in Nerday2 years ago
Focus on the noseFokus na nos
This is my new attempt at creating a caricature. This time I focused on the nose. You can see it from the attached drawings.Ovo je moj novi pokušaj kreiranja karikature. Ovaj put fokusirao sam se na nos. Možete da vidite iz priloženih crteža.
As before, I start with a simple drawing on paper, which I later transfer to Illustrator, in which I draw lines and add basic colors.Kao i do sada, počinjem sa običnim crtežom na papiru koji kasnije prenesem u Ilustrator, u kome iscrtam linije i dodam osnovne boje.
After that, I transfer the illustration to Photoshop where I add shadows and highlights.Nakon toga, ilustraciju prebacim u Fotošop gdje dodam sjenke i istaknem svjetlost.
I hope you like my works so far. I expect all the criticism in the comments.Nadam se da vam se sviđaju moji dosadašnji radovi. Sve kritike očekujem u komentarima.

Nice work.

thank you 🙂

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