Insects and sund

Tonight, I present to you the association with insects, but unfortunately in this area I am a total ignoramus and I have no idea their professional names ... Except for one exception..

My first catch is a spider, which I guess I carry my offspring ... I've never seen anything like it before ...






Further encounters ... with an unusual beetle with long antennas ...




And now one known to me 😁 It is called a roller or dung (scarabeus; Scarabeus sacer) ..
(Scarabeidae) ...
He makes walnut-sized balls out of the feces, rolls them and hides them in the underground corridors to feed the larvae ....
He was respected in Egypt ...

In ancient Egypt, the beetle Scarab (roller, dung beetle) was worshiped as a symbol of the god Kepri, who is often found in Egyptian religion as a dual deity Atum-Kepper, where Atum represents the night, hidden sun, which manifests its power through Kepri, the god of the rising sun. brings the resurrection of life. The scarab (Balegar) therefore symbolizes eternal life and resurrection, making it a powerful symbol of protection. The Egyptians wore amulets in the shape of this powerful beetle to protect themselves from the dangers of this world, as well as those that await us in the afterlife....






Here are a few interesting things about at least one bug .... I believe that there is a lot to be said about spiders, and this interesting bug with long antennae ...

I hope you found it interesting .......

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 🥰

Have a nice evening ✨🌌


The spider 😳.

@tipu curate 2

Thank you very much @robibasa 😊

O yeah 🤨

Great! :) You caught them in action, the spider with young spiders on its back, the beetle rolling its treasure. Very cool.

Thanks a lot @borjan 😊

Oh yes 😁

It seemed like science fiction to me 🤭

Uff! No sabes el trabajo que me costó leerme tu publucacion jajaja el bicho ese con las cosas encima esta... De infarto y mira que yo amo las arañas pero las protuberancias que lleva encima sencillamente no pude con eso jajaja. (Tengo tripofobia) 😣
El escarabajo blanco con negro lo amé jajaja tambien los he visto y aquí les dicen vaquitas ahora no recuerdo su nombre cientifico jejeje amo sus patitas tiene una forma muy tierna :)
Y para finalizar el escarabajo pelotero esta genial, me inspiré en ellos para nuestros separadores jejeje saludos! @suzana72