Checking the fit of the fender

in Build-It11 months ago

Though it looked ready to weld on, there were a number of things to be done before I can weld the closing piece in permanently.
The section where the fender was sorted out by cutting into the metal and bending it so that it drops a bit lower than the rest of the bottom.

Test fitting the fender showed that some work done to it way back when was misaligned with the part I am working on. I has foreseen this might happen and had only tack welded it in. With the section removed the fender sits flush and was used to find the best place to locate the part that the bolt turns into (no photos of that).

I also welded a curved section to match the original part, it does not follow the body very well but then neither did the original part.

Before load shedding cut me short I was working on adding the missing lip at the top of the sill, It's not quite to the correct shape yet.

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