[ENG |ESP] Funny and creative cat/Divertido y creativo gato

in Build-It3 years ago

Welcome to my blog

Bienvenidos a mi Blog


Hello hive community, I hope you are in excellent health.

Hola comunidad colmena, espero se encuentren en excelente estado se salud.

Let me share with you my creative work today, a fun and creative cat with recycled cardboard, putting my imagination into practice to represent everyday animals, because cats are part of many families, as is my case.


Me permito compartir con ustedes mi trabajo creativo de hoy, un divertido y creativo gato con cartón reciclado, poniendo en práctica la imaginación para representar animales cotidianos, porque los gatos forman parte de muchas familias, como es mi caso.

I found it not only fun, but also formative and educational to be able to make the image of this domesticated feline with recycled cardboard, because this way, the little ones are taught the affection that binds us to them and we also give useful use to the cardboard. If you accompany me to the end you will see in step by step how I do it.

Me pareció no solo divertido, sino formativo y educativo poder realizar con cartón reciclado la imagen de este felino domesticado, debido a que asi, se le enseña a los mas pequeños el cariño que nos une a ellos y además le damos uso útil al cartón. Si me acompañas hasta el final podrás ver en el paso a paso como lo realice.


Recycled carton
2 green bulging eyes (made with empty pill blister)



Cartón reciclado
2 ojitos saltones de color verde (realizados con blíster vacios de pastillas)

Step 1:

Recycled cardboard is peeled off (peeled) to make it corrugated.

Paso 1:

Se le quita una capa al cartón reciclado (se pela) para que quede acanalado.

Step 2:

Slats are cut and rolled to form the body and head of the cat.

Paso 2:

Se cortan listones y se enrolla para formar el cuerpo y la cabeza del gato.

Step 3:

The two rolled parts are glued and left to dry.


Paso 3:

Se pegan las dos partes enrolladas y se dejan secar.


Step 4:

His eyes are glued


Paso 4:

Se le pegan los ojos

Step 5:

The ears and tail are trimmed and glued and allowed to dry.


Paso 5:

Se recortan las orejas y la cola y se pegan y se dejan secar.


Step 6:

4 thinner slats are rolled up and the legs are placed on it. And voila, we have a fun and creative corrugated cardboard cat. This is how by recycling, reusing and reusing we can save the planet.


Paso 6:

Se enrollan 4 listones mas delgados y se le colocan las patas. Y listo, ya tenemos un divertido y creativo gato de cartón acanalado. Es así como reciclando, reusando y reutilizando podremos salvar al planeta.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Gracias por visitar mi blog.



Nice handcraft. You are so talented 💖😍. Keep growing on hive

Thank you very much, your comment encourages me to continue growing

que lindo!!!! haciéndolo en versión grande serviría para hacer un rascador para gatos!!! 😻

@suezoe gracias, si sería una excelente idea.

This is so amazing. I am always wishing to make one of these soon. You were able to promote as well how to reuse the materials of whatever available in the house. The kids will surely love this kind of artwork. Thanks for sharing your great talent with us.

@missidonna Thanks, I'm always looking for how to reuse things at home. I will take your advice.