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RE: Replacing shoes on rear drum brakes

in Build-It4 years ago

I have the brake drum tool and I can tell you that I’ve had the most issues and swearing while doing a drum change! It’s definitely one of the more challenging repairs to do, it’s not difficult but it takes time to get the things in the right spot and connected properly and all that. I’m glad that my brakes are all disc on both our cars now but I’m going to get an old truck one of these days and it will have drums again so I’ll have to do this in my future lol.

I know the car community online is huge indeed! I like the DIY community here but I am thinking of trying to start a car dedicated one if I can’t find one that fits the bill. Some of these car people love to post and talk about their car stuff all day every day, getting them to hive would be huge!


Once there is some morer repair related content on here, I'm going to start dropping links. Right now, not much point laying out bait before the trap is set. 😁