Upcycled camembert box tutorial 😁

in Build-It4 years ago
Hello bees !Hello les amis !
after two well-deserved weeks of vacation, here I am back and as I have mostly posted views of my vacation during the last few weeks, I am offering you today a little tutorial to get back on my feet 😄après deux semaines de vacances fort méritées, me voilà de retour et comme j'ai surtout poster des vues de mes vacances pendants ces dernières semaines, je vous propose aujourd'hui un petit tuto pour me remettre en jambe 😄


I made this little bird in its cheese box last year, I am sharing its realization today within the DIY community,J'ai réalisé ce petit oiseau dans sa boite à fromage l'année dernière, je partage sa réalisation aujourd'hui au sein de la communauté DIY,
and I would also like to inform you that the Feathered Friends community run by @melinda010100 gladly welcomes your artistic creations around birds ... being myself curator within this community, I also appreciate seeing pretty painted birds passing by 😊et je voudrais également porter à votre connaissance que la communauté Feathered Friends de @melinda010100 accueille volontiers vos créations artistiques autour des oiseaux...étant moi-même curatrice au sein de cette communauté, j'apprécie également de voir passer de jolis oiseaux peints 😊


So here is the creation in image of our cute character 🐦Alors voici la création en image de notre mignon personnage 🐦
The small box I used had received a half fig half goji vegan cheese 😋La petite boite dont je me suis servie avait accueilli un fromage vegan mi figue mi-goji 😋
I spent one or two coats of white gesso in order to have an ideal support for my Neocolor II soluble wax pastels ... which I then aquaralledJ'ai passé une ou deux couches de gesso blanc afin d'avoir un support idéal pour mes pastels à la cire solubles Neocolor II ...que j'ai aquarallés ensuite


I stuck some cut (or rather torn) patterns in a magazine: the small flowers and of course the word happyj'ai collé quelques motifs découpés (ou plutôt déchirés) dans un magazine : les petites fleurs mais surtout le mot "happy"
and I also waved a brush of blue acrylic paint over my box to spread droplets 😉et j'ai également secoué un pinceau de peinture acrylique bleue au dessus de ma boite pour répandre des gouttelettes 😉


Now to my bird...passons maintenant à mon oiseau ...
I drew it on a simple sheet of paper, then colored it with the same watercolor tools: the Neocolor II from Caran-d'AcheJe l'ai dessiné sur une simple feuille de papier puis colorisé avec les mêmes outils aquarellables : les Neocolor II de chez Caran-d'Ache
Then I refined the shadows with a Pitt felt pen from Faber CastellPuis j'ai peaufiné les ombres avec un feutre Pitt de Faber Castell



I cut it delicately and stuck it on its now colored backgroundJe l'ai découpé délicatement et collé sur son fond désormais coloré


A few details and a crown later and here he is pacing his cheese box 😊Quelques détails et une couronne plus tard et le voilà qui arpente sa boite à fromage 😊


There you go, I hope you enjoyed this colorful little tutorialVoilà, j'espère que vous avez apprécié ce petit tuto coloré
I wish you a wonderful day and don't forget that tomorrow the #AlphabetHunt is back ! 😉Je vous souhaite quant à moi une merveilleuse journée et n'oubliez pas que demain la chasse à l'alphabet fait sa rentrée ! 😉



And find also my paintings on my website !!



As always BlueWonkies are supporting communities ! 👇

Amazing Nature community by @adalger




Feathered Friends community by @melinda010100




Always a Flower community by @dswigle




Market Friday by @dswigle




Feel Good community by @barbara-orenya




Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 20 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @barbara-orenya, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Lovely 😍

thank_you_poussin.png my dear ! 😊

Adorable little king bird 💙

crocodile.png for your appreciation @escriptora 😉

Such a lovely little bird <3

I'm happy you enjoy it @anafae 😉 thankyou_lion.png

Cute little bird and welcome back @barbara-orenya 😊

How nice of you @bigsambucca ..! 😊 bunny.png

I am so glad you are back from holiday! What a great use of a camembert box! Thanks so much for mentioning the #featheredfriends community, I love seeing art work and DIY projects for birds in the community, too!

Thanks my dear ! I could go back to vacations, it was such a pleasurable time ! 😊 but being here is what helps me greatly to come back..lol...

is the fat free camembert box stinks or not ?!

not at all 🤭

👋 Hi @barbara-orenya, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

Join the Sketchbook Community

Very unique and intriguing art. Welcome back.

Thank you much @gems.and.cookies and CBE104B5579D4DA39BEC89C7B675CB90.png 😊

I see that you have great passion in what you do