📌 European Hive Meetups - Local and Online 📌

in HiveUP Europe2 years ago (edited)
Authored by @hiveup-europe

One-Stop Post for Upcoming Meetups

In this post you can find all the local and online meetups featured in HiveUp Europe!

🫶 Help us to Add More Meetups:

🗣️ Meetup Organizer
If you join our initiative you will receive extra exposure for your meetup and of course also support by us via upvotes and reblogs. To get featured you have two options:

  • post or cross-post your meetup announcement into the HiveUp Europe Community

  • mention @HiveUp-Europe inside of your post
  • 👤 Meetup Attendee
    You can help a meetup organizer to gain more exposure, reblogs and upvotes for the event by doing one of the following options:

  • you can also cross-post another users meetup announcement into our community

  • mention @HiveUp-Europe in the comments of a meetup announcement

  • 👨‍💻 We will take care for the rest 👨‍💻

    🔄 Recurring Updates

    This post is pinned inside of the community and gets updated regularly. So make sure to check it out from time to time in order to stay informed about any upcoming event perhaps near you to get to know Hivers in real life or online!

    🔔 Subscribe for Changes

    You can subscribe to new meetups and organizational changes based on a list of ISO 2 country codes (use the Column "Alpha 2" of the linked list):

    • Simply write a comment with the following layout to subscribe to one or multiple countries
      !HESUB NL,BE,LX for subscribing to Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

    • You can always unsubscribe from specific countries
      !HEUNSUB LX,BE to unsubscribe from Luxembourgh and Belgium

    If you do not want to receive any notifications anymore then you can use ALL as country code.

    European Meetups

    Local Meetups

    In this section you will find more information about every single meetup shown in the map above. If there is anything wrong please let us know. We are doing our best but we are also just humans ;) Thanks!

    Invitation to the next Hive Meetup Vienna: Thursday July 20th 19:00 @ Feuerdorf Prater

    🗣️ Organizer
    🗺️ Location
    🎬 Start
    🏁 End
    1020 Wien AT
    20.07.2023 19:00
    20.07.2023 23:00

    Invitation to the next Vienna Hive Meetup on Thursday 20th July 2023 19:00 @ Feuerdorf Prater [Fire Village in the Vienna Amusement Park] I found a very cool location in Prater for the next Hive Meetup: Feuerdorf in Prater, think this will be an experience and its also not as crowded as Schweizerhaus or pubs directly in Prater on weekends. We will meet at Feuerdorf Prater, best reachable if you come by subway, U1/U2 Praterstern, exit Prater, then to Prater Hauptallee and in a few minutes walk on the left side. Please let me know if you are coming by so I know how many people to make reservations for. Come on time as the place is only open until 9 pm max. Looking forward to it, see you :)

    click to view larger versions

    Hitchin Hive Meetup: UK Hivers check your diary!

    🗣️ Organizer
    🗺️ Location
    🎬 Start
    🏁 End
    Station Approach
    SG4 9UL North Hertfordshire GB
    23.07.2023 11:00
    23.07.2023 20:00

    The meetup will be in Hitchin starting at the train station at 11am on Sunday 23rd July 2023. There is lots of parking at the station or you can get a direct train from London, Cambridge or Peterborough. It is conveniently two stops from where I live.

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    HIVE-CAMP 2023 am Bodensee

    🗣️ Organizer
    🗺️ Location
    🎬 Start
    🏁 End
    8590 CH
    02.08.2023 10:00
    06.08.2023 22:00

    HIVE-Bodensee lädt ein, zur 2. HIVE Zusammenkunft am Bodensee. Um über die Möglichkeiten von HIVE zu philosophieren, sich aus zu tauschen, Fragen zu stellen, Antworten zu finden, am Lagerfeuer oder einfach an der Brandung des Bodensees zu sein und dabei wie auch nebenbei, die Zukunft etwas mit zu gestalten.

    click to view larger versions

    Hive Meet Up | Saturday 23 September 2023 | Halifax UK

    🗣️ Organizer
    🗺️ Location
    🎬 Start
    🏁 End
    Hall Street
    HX1 5AY Calderdale GB
    23.09.2023 11:00
    23.09.2023 18:00

    Our (almost) annual visit to White Rose Coffee Roasters, hosted by @c0ff33a, in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Perfectly positioned in the epicentre of the British Isles and accessible from north, south and west (Scottish friends welcome) 😁. For European Hivers, Leeds Bradford is the nearest airport (you could also try Manchester Airport - about 30 miles away), and West Yorkshire is well worth a few days visit (as are UK Hivers). Halifax has the usual budget hotel chains (Travelodge, Premier Inn).

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    Online Meetups

    In this section you find all the online meetings like discord video calls and more featured in HiveUp Europe. If you know more european online meetups please let us know and we will add them to the list!

    Letzter engine-stamm(tisch) vor dem #HC2023

    🗣️ Organizer
    💻 Location
    🎬 Start
    🏁 End
    hive.bodensee Discord
    17.07.2023 20:30
    17.07.2023 22:00
    Natürlich werden wir auch dieses mal, über klassische HIVE Engine und TRIBALDEX Themen sprechen. Denn es ist wieder einiges passiert in diesem Bereich. Z.B. hat powerpaul am letzten Montag einen umfangreichen Einblick in sein Spiel (Metverse) cryptocompany gegeben, dass alleine gibt schon genügend Gesprächs Stoff für einen Stamm(tisch). Vielleicht ist er sogar selbst dabei?! Dann hat gerber wieder einiges sehr spannendes rausgehauen! Zum einen, gibt es nun die Möglichkeit in https://beeswap.dcity.io/tokens nun auch gleich zu handeln. Zum Anderen hat er einige, meiner Meinung nach grossartige, Neuerungen in dCITY veröffentlicht, nachzulesen unter dcitygame. Es gibt einige neue Citizen (z.B. ein UFO), aber auch neue Kombinationen wie z.B. Luxury Steet, die eine Steuerreduktion von 300 Sim mit sich bringt. Aber sicherlich eine der wichtigsten Infos, dass die Verteilung von Gratis-Citizens basierend auf der Beliebtheit eingestellt wurde, dafür können nun alle die in den TOP 400 sind auf dem dCITY-Discord täglich eine Citizens-Karten beanspruchen. Darum würde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn möglichst viele deutschsprachige https://dcity.io Spieler oder solche die es werden wollen am nächsten #engine-stamm(tisch) dabei sind und wir uns über unsere Erfahrungen in diesem Spiel austauschen können. Und ganz bestimmt habt ihr selbst letzten Monat auf der HIVE-Engine auch einiges erlebt, über dass gesprochen werden sollte oder ihr sogar etwas erzählen wollt!? Wenn ihr bestimmte Fragen, Ideen oder Wünsche habt, bin ich euch dankbar, wenn ihr sie schon im Voraus in den Kommentaren hinterlassen könnt.

    That's it!

    There are probably many more meetups happening in the upcoming weeks but these have been all featured HIVE meetups within our community.

    As we have told you before - we rely on your input and help
    If you have any question, suggestion or you simply want to have a chat with us then feel free to enter our discord server! to grow the list constantly. With a more complete list we will be able to serve Hivers all over Europe to find their meetups. We hope to see an organic relation between the meetup organizers and our initiative so eventually a post/cross-post into our community or a ping of @HiveUp-Europe feels like a natural step of announcing a meetup in future.


    [@quekery] Great work!



    🤖 We have stored your subscription 🤖
    You will get notified in European Meetups (Local and Online) if a meetup fits your criteria!

    Sieht echt toll aus!!
    Werd mich morgen mehr damit beschäftigen,
    heute ist nur Hive Lightning dran... :)
    lg !PGM und mit etwas !invest_vote 🤠

    That Is Perfect!

    A very nice idea for grow up our community´s and get a good overview about the meetups for everyone. I am sure more city´s will follow up with the time.

    Keep up this very nice work.



    Maybe @acrange and his team is interessted in to support this futured project?

    Danke für HIVE! Ich bin in Graz daheim.

    Dann viel Spaß beim Meetup! :)

    Juhu danke & bitte ping @hive-eu nächstes mal einfach in Deinem Beitrag oder noch besser: cross-poste ihn in die Community :) Das würde mein Leben leichter machen - Danke!


    🤖 We have stored your subscription 🤖
    You will get notified in European Meetups (Local and Online) if a meetup fits your criteria!

    I'd love to connect with other like-minded folks who are anywhere near the Sannio valley and the Benevento region of Italia. Especially others who are subsisting off the land/ living off-grid/ interested in natural medicine and suchlike...


    🤖 We have stored your subscription 🤖
    You will get notified in European Meetups (Local and Online) if a meetup fits your criteria!

    That is interesting
    People would even be able to mingle with others

    Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna :)