Hello! On this occasion, make a bulldog dog, which you can weave for a keychain or as a cute stuffed animal. As I have told you, I do not make patterns but rather use patterns from other knitters, for this occasion I did not get a pattern to knit the dog or they were patterns for large dogs and I wanted it approximately 10 to 12cm. So I decided to do it without a pattern. Take several images from the web to do it and make the model to my liking.
Comencé realizando la cabeza, el cual puedes colocarla como llavero.
I started by making the head, which you can place as a key ring.
Fuente : Foto tomada por el autor @xeliram en un teléfono celular.
Posteriormente realice el cuerpo, el cuerpo se puede usar de base para realizar unicornio, gato, hasta oso..
Later make the body, the body can be used as a base to make a unicorn, a cat, even a bear...
Fuente : Foto tomada por el autor @xeliram en un teléfono celular.
Este perro es originario del Reino Unido, aunque hay muchas teorías de su origen. Eran utilizados para la guardia y el control del ganado bravo y la lucha con toros. Se caracteriza por tener gruesos hombros y una gran cabeza en proporción a su cuerpo. Tiene hocico corto con pliegues por encima de la nariz. A pesar de su apariencia fuerte y malhumorada, según los comentarios de otras personas tienen una personalidad delicada, sensible y son muy sociables.
This dog is originally from the United Kingdom, although there are many theories of its origin. They were used to guard and control wild cattle and fight with bulls. It is characterized by having thick shoulders and a large head in proportion to its body. It has a short muzzle with folds above the nose. Despite their strong and moody appearance, according to other people's comments they have a delicate, sensitive personality and are very sociable.
- Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. [Documento en línea], disponible:https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulldog
I am Marilex Porteles, Mathematics teacher, researcher, dreamer, I like weaving, swimming and I am the mother of a beautiful girl.
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Give UPVOTE if you like, COMMENT and RESTEEM for others to know THANK YOU.
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