Wow these is pure masterpiece, I've got a huge amount of Value from your post you've basically enlighten us on the importance of online means of transacting business the necessity and what to take note of like downpayment and the likes, which will put us on the saver side should in case clients want to call off the order.
I also admire how you always made all your wears adjustable, you're indeed a channel of blessings, I'll work towards adding this value to my craft as well.
I'm a regular follower of your post on Facebook and y'all drop a 💖, cause I'm wowed by your project.
Keep up the good work and have a pleasant experience in all ramifications.
Oh! I never thought you follow me on Facebook. May I know what's your Facebook name so I could say hi to you in one of my post?
Really glad to hear that you find my post useful. And thank you for dropping by and commenting. It's a pleasure to read your comments. God bless. 🥰
You're welcome dear friend, my Facebook name is Afolayan Victor Augment.
Apologies for the late response, and keep up the good work