✦ So glad to be back! How have you been? This is a happy update and I hope you like the tour. Enjoy! ✦

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Hola a todos!, espero estén pasando un miércoles agradable, yo he tenido un día productivo y me quiero regalar este tiempo para actualizar en la comunidad de NeedleworkMonday un proyecto que empezó a finales de 2022 y prometí actualizar cuando hubieran avances significativos (¡mi cuarto de costura!) 🧵 ✅
🇺🇸 ~ Hello everyone, I hope you are having a nice Wednesday, I have had a productive day and I want to give myself this time to update the NeedleworkMonday community on a project that started at the end of 2022 and I promised to update when significant progress has been made (my sewing room!) 🧵 ✅

✦ Last night it rained torrentially and it was quite windy, the floor was dirty, but I cleaned up quickly to take these photos this morning. I'm currently working on some crafts to give away and so the sewing table is cluttered, but that's basically the view from the entrance of the room ✦

En la primera parte de este proyecto conté lo básico, como la limpieza y la adaptación de las cortinas que eran de carril, a un sistema básico de cortinero estilo tubo. Fue un trabajo laborioso porque son cortinas de 2 y 3 capas, y haciendo un conteo al ojo sabes que allí hay invertido casi 30 metros de tela (entre la cortina del closet, las cortinas de la ventana, el faralao de cada una y el dosel).
In the first part of this project I told the basics, like cleaning and adapting the curtains that were track curtains, to a basic tube style drapery system. It was a laborious job because they are 2- and 3-ply curtains, and doing an eye count you know that there is almost 30 meters of fabric invested there (between the closet curtain, the window curtains, the faralao of each one and the canopy).

✦ I had a lot of trouble to find the right thickness of curtain tubes for the back part, so I bought aluminum tubes like the ones used for gas and electric cookers. I love the multiple layers of the curtains because when I let them all down I get a nice dim light to relax my eyes, which is very useful because in the daytime the sun is too bright and the glass in my windows is not tinted ✦

Desde entonces han ocurrido muchas cosas, los arreglos del cuarto tuvieron que detenerse porque en esas fechas tenía un viaje importante, y cuando volví, me encontré con un problema GRAVE de humedad en todas las habitaciones de la casa. Tuve que posponer muchísimas cosas y dedicar muchos días a sacar todos los muebles y objetos de cada cuarto para aplicar un tratamiento químico a las paredes y una pintura especial antialcalina (incluyendo también pintura de color nueva para cada cuarto).
Since then many things have happened, the room repairs had to stop because I had an important trip at that time, and when I came back, I found a SERIOUS humidity problem in all the rooms of the house. I had to put a lot of things and spend many days to remove all the furniture and objects from each room to apply a chemical treatment to the walls and a special anti-alkaline paint (including also new color paint for each room).

✦ Do you remember the bronze and balachite frames? I finally got some good quality glass to mount them! But before I got this nice result, I tried to cut glass to size myself, I bought the glass cutters online and when the moment of truth came I failed miserablly 🤣 and broke a glass valued at 40$. In the end a friend helped me by taking the mirror fragments I had and they cut them in a professional marquetry shop ✦

Tristemente la humedad (y muchas manchas de un hongo que me dijo un doctor vecino que vino a casa que era peligroso para a salud) alcanzó algunos muebles, ropa, y también las cajas de mis Cosplay (aunque las cajas hicieron muy bien su trabajo y protegieron todo su contenido, solo un traje fue alcanzado directamente, pero no es algo grave, fue poco y puedo arreglarlo).
Sadly the humidity (and many stains from a fungus that I was told by a neighbor doctor who came home that it was dangerous for health) reached some furniture, clothes, and also the boxes of my Cosplay (although the boxes did their job very well and protected all its contents, only one costume was directly hit, but it's not serious, it was little and I can fix it).
En fin, este proceso de sacar cosas, higienizar, aplicar químicos, pintura especial y renovar la pintura a color tomo muchas semanas, e hice todo sola porque no me sentía a gusto contratando a un extraño para, manipular mis cosas y las de mi mamá 😅 además Dante (mi mascota) como buen perro guardián que es detesta a los desconocidos y arma reverendos escándalos en modo psico a veces.
Anyway, this process of taking things out, sanitizing, applying chemicals, special paint and renewing the color paint took many weeks, and I did it all alone because I didn't feel comfortable hiring a stranger to handle my things and my mom's 😅 besides Dante (my pet) as a good watchdog hates strangers and makes a big fuss in psycho mode sometimes.

✦ As I have had many commitments the closet of the materials is quite messy, I have not yet bought the large plastic containers to store everything more neatly and safely ✦

Siguiendo adelante, cuando resolvimos el tema de la humedad pude colocar POR FIN en su lugar MIS PRECIOSAS CORTINAS (enserio las amo muchísimo, estoy sumamente enamorada de ellas), comprobé que el ruedo estaba bien hecho y fui con mi mamá a una tienda de pinturas para mandar a hacer la nueva pintura para su cuarto y el de costura (mi cuarto original lo dejé color blanco puro).
Moving on, when we solved the humidity issue I was FINALLY able to put MY PRECIOUS CURTAINS (seriously I love them so much, I am in love with them), I checked that the hem was well done and went with my mom to a paint store to have the new paint done for her room and the sewing room (I left my original room pure white).

✦ An extra goal I am raising money for is also for a new air conditioner or for this room, the plumbing work on the walls and ceiling is already done (it's that hole in the wall you see above the back of the bed). Although there is a lot of light coming in and the view from the window is refreshing, I bought a light ring to be able to record when I start actively sewing, I am in the pattern making stage right now ✦

Antes de pintar el cuarto de costura mande a instalar tornillos para todos los espejos que he reunido hasta ahora (me faltan 5 de tamaño mediano y pequeño para terminar la composición de la pared), los ganchos de las cortinas y el perchero. Me tomo 4 días pintar los cuartos del segundo piso y según un vecino me intoxique aspirando la pintura porque en el primer cuarto se me olvido abrir las ventanas (creo que tener ataques de risa y cantar todos los openings de Dragon Ball a media noche le dio esa idea 🙂... oh bueno).
Before painting the sewing room I had screws installed for all the mirrors I have collected so far (I still need 5 small and medium size mirrors to finish the wall composition), the curtain hooks and the coat rack. It took me 4 days to paint the rooms on the second floor and according to a neighbor I got intoxicated vacuuming the paint because in the first room I forgot to open the windows (I think having fits of laughter and singing all the openings of Dragon Ball at midnight gave him that idea 🙂... oh well).

✦ I made a preview of what I'm telling you here through my instagram stories as I was working. I took screenshots because I wanted you to see MichiMau (she was very responsive and interested in this whole process) and a little bit of the process of selecting the color of the walls ✦

El color que escogí se llama "Heavenly Blue", desde el inicio de este proyecto sabía que quería que la paleta de colores del cuarto tuviera azul, crema, blanco y dorado, pero no sabía qué clase de azul quería hasta que lo encontré en las muestras de la tienda e hice una prueba previa en la pared junto al suiche de la lámpara; por un instante me enoje porque era mucho más oscuro de lo que indicaba a muestra pero al cabo de unos 2 a 4 días el color real de la pintura asentó, y fui muy feliz (el primer día casi regreso a la tienda para que me cambiaran la pintura, ¡estaba tan decepcionada!, porque no sería la primera vez que el colorista de ese lugar me entrega una pintura que no es el color encargado... en ese sitio la atención al cliente es muy buena pero la pintura personalizada no la saben preparar 10/10, pero como es el sitio más cercano que tengo es mi principal y primera opción).
The color I chose is called "Heavenly Blue", I knew from the beginning of this project that I wanted the color palette of the room to have blue, cream, white and gold, but I didn't know what kind of blue I wanted until I found it on the swatches in the store and did a pre-test on the wall next to the lamp swatch; for a moment I was mad because it was much darker than the swatch indicated but after about 2 to 4 days the actual paint color settled, and I was very happy (the first day I almost went back to the store to have the paint replaced, I was so disappointed! , because it wouldn't be the first time that the colorist of that place gave me a paint that is not the color I ordered... in that place the customer service is very good but the custom paint they don't know how to prepare it 10/10, but as it's the closest place I have it's my main and first choice).

✦ This is the environment I wanted to recreate for myself and although I still have many things to improve my creation process (I have a goal in Ko-Fi for an Adjustable Sewing Mannequin!) I am very proud and grateful for how everything has turned out so far in spite of the inconveniences 🌈 ✦

¡Y este es el estado actual del proyecto! 💙 Aún le faltan muchas cosas por trabajar (las molduras del techo, el piso de cerámica con su rodapié, y más espejos) pero ya es utilizable y funcional, la luz es especialmente buena la mayor parte del día y en la noche refresca bastante. También se ha convertido en mi lugar favorito para dormir y tomar siestas, aunque deje la cama solamente para poder bordar de día cómodamente, creo que podría llamarse "mi nuevo cuarto principal".
And this is the current state of the project! 💙 It still has a lot of things to be worked on (the ceiling moldings, the ceramic floor with its baseboard, and more mirrors) but it is already usable and functional, the light is especially good most of the day and at night it cools down quite a bit. It has also become my favorite place to sleep and take naps, even if I leave the bed alone so I can embroider during the day comfortably, I guess you could call it "my new master bedroom."
Este nuevo espacio ha cambiado totalmente mi manera de trabajar en proyectos de costura desde que me mude a esta residencia en 2017. Mi cuarto anterior me hacía sentir cómoda y lo tenía decorado 100% a mi gusto, pero a veces también me hacía sentir claustrofobia.
This new space has totally changed the way I work on sewing projects since I moved into this residence in 2017. My previous room made me feel comfortable and I had it decorated 100% to my liking, but sometimes it also made me feel claustrophobic.
Justo ahora estoy empezando varios proyectos nuevos a la vez y tener un espacio exclusivo para eso hace que todo fluya y se acelere, ya no siento pesadez o pereza como antes. Todo el esfuerzo ha valido la pena 😳 🙏 💗
Just now I'm starting several new projects at once and having an exclusive space for that makes everything flow and accelerate, I don't feel heaviness or laziness like before. All the effort has paid off 😳 🙏 💗

🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia ✦ Translation: Deepl ✨
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares 🌙

¡Guao, tremendo trabajo el que has venido haciendo allí! Pero se ve que va a quedar como lo soñaste, porque está espectacular.
Me dio mucha risa lo de
que dónde estoy yo y ella le dice "está arriba pintando".Hola @ylich! Chamo pasando pena, fíjate que es un vecino al que le tenemos confianza y a veces se pone creativo culinariamente y nos regala tacos o hamburguesas, entonces él llega de visita esa noche y le pregunta a mi mama
Según el, se asustó porque me vio bailando mientras pintaba montada en la escalera 😂 😂 😂 y yo "EL PODEEEER, NUESTROOO EEEES, YYYY SE-RE-MOS, PARA-SIEMPRE-DRAGON BALL...
Btw muchas gracias por ese halago, me alegra mucho que te guste como va, estoy feliz en mi nido azul ; u ;
Jajaja, me lo puedo imaginar perfectamente y más con lo gráfico de tu descripción...
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