🧵 {25/11/24} ✦ Sewing Marathon: "Bows to help kittens!" 🐈 ❤️‍🩹 💸 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago


✦ This is a note to remember in a beautiful way how we can help with our skills to make possible a better life for the most innocent beings - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Feliz NeedleworkMonday a todos!, yo estoy agotada pero feliz después de 3 días de costura intensos contra reloj para lograr una meta; ya este lunes esta por terminar y como me siento mas tranquila, vamos a tomar un tesito nocturno mientras nos ponemos al día 🍵 🌙

🇺🇸 ~ Happy NeedleworkMonday to all!, I am exhausted but happy after 3 days of intense sewing against the clock to achieve a goal; this Monday is almost over and since I feel calmer, let's have an evening tea while we catch up 🍵 🌙


✦ A few months ago these little ones were in the bones ✦

Hace 5 meses comencé a mencionar en algunos post la situación de un vecino que falleció, y que era dueño de 18 gatos. Al fallecer inesperadamente el señor, estos animalitos quedaron en la calle y ningún familiar o amigo hizo presencia para hacerse cargo de ellos.

5 months ago, I began to mention in some posts the situation of a deceased neighbor who was the owner of 18 cats. When he died unexpectedly, these animals were left on the street with no family or friends to take care of them.

En vista de esa situación, 2 amigas acordamos comenzar a alimentar a estos animalitos al menos 1 vez al día para que no murieran de hambre (ha sido muy duro alimentarlos a todos porque mi amiga tiene 3 gatos y yo tengo 5, pero con perseverancia y amor todo es posible); en el transcurso de estos 5 meses logramos que recuperaran la salud y que engordaran, porque habían muchos con signos de desnutrición y muy bajo peso: La meta es llevarlos a todos a esterilizar, y luego buscarles nuevos hogares.

Faced with this situation, 2 friends agreed to start feeding these animals at least once a day so that they would not die of hunger (it was very hard to feed them all because my friend has 3 cats and I have 5, but with perseverance and love everything is possible); in the course of these 5 months we managed to get them healthy and fattened, because there were many with signs of malnutrition and very low weight: The goal is to take them all to be sterilized and then to find new homes for them.


✦ I have attended these spay and neuter clinics before and the attention is very good, if you live in the city of Maracaibo I highly recommend them if you need to sterilize your dog or kitten with responsible doctors ✦

Esta situación tan complicada no solo se trata de dinero y alimento, lamentablemente algunos de nuestros vecinos no son precisamente personas educadas o respetuosas con otras formas de vida, también hay muchos niños maltratadores de animales sin supervisión adulta rondando la zona (o sus padres saben que son asi pero no les importa educarlos, o los alientan). Tristemente han aparecido gatos lastimados, y tambien escuché una amenaza de que 1 persona queria envenenarlos a todos... eso significa que no podemos esperar mas tiempo.

This very complicated situation is not only about money and food, unfortunately some of our neighbors are not exactly polite or respectful of other life forms, there are also many animal abusing children roaming around without adult supervision (or their parents know they are like that but don't care to educate or encourage them). Sadly, there have been injured cats, and I've also heard a threat that 1 person was going to poison them all... which means we can't wait any longer.

Pero aunque ya tengan el peso y las condiciones de salud para soportar la operacion, y sea urgente movilizarlos por tema de seguridad, mi amiga y yo no contamos con todos los recursos $$$ para llevarlos a la jornada de esterilización más cercana, y posiblemente una de las últimas de este año.

But even though they already have the weight and health to support the surgery, and it is urgent to mobilize them for safety reasons, my friend and I do not have all the resources $$$ to get them to the next spay/neuter day, and possibly one of the last of the year.


✦ Choosing together the fabric via WhatsApp ✦


Entonces una tarde la semana pasada, conversando en grupo se nos ocurrió hacer lacitos para recaudar fondos. Actualmente estan de moda y si nos dábamos prisa para venderlos había altas probabilidades de lograr la meta. Otra amiga que también se ha preocupado mucho por ayudar y estar atenta a las situación de estos gatitos, donó la tela y otros materiales para poder fabricarlos, y yo me dedicaría a coser lo más veloz que pudiera. Y aquí les comparto parte de esa jornada maratónica de costura:

Then, one afternoon last week, while talking as a group, we came up with the idea of making bows to raise money. They are in fashion right now, and if we hurry to sell them, we have a good chance of reaching our goal. Another friend, who is also very concerned about the situation of these kittens, donated the fabric and other materials to make them, and I would sew them as fast as I could. And here I share with you part of those 3 days of marathon sewing:


✦ The first color I worked with was this one and I had a lot of doubts about how to make it perform as well as possible ✦


✦ They look simple to do but they are not, it got dark very fast and I was so tired ✦


✦ The second day progressed more slowly, the power went out for almost 5 hours ✦



✦ The power came back on late at night but I was way behind schedule and needed to keep going ✦



✦ On Sunday I woke up late because I had a lot of pain in one eye. But I finally started to sew the last color ✦

Fue bastante agotador. Confieso que subestime la propuesta. Para que estos lazos sean así de bonitos son hechos con doble tela y todo se cose varias veces, nada de usar pegamento. También hay que planchar mucho la tela en varias etapas del proceso para que mantenga esa forma bonita, de verdad quedé super agotada al final, me dolían las manos y los ojos.

It was quite exhausting. I have to admit that I underestimated the project. In order for these bows to be so beautiful, they are made with double fabric and everything is sewn several times, no glue. You also have to iron the fabric a lot at different stages of the process to keep the beautiful shape, I was really exhausted at the end, my hands and eyes were hurting.


✦ These photos were taken in the afternoon while I was waiting for my friends to talk about the price and the official announcement ✦


✦ With these I had problems, when I wanted to assemble them I realized that the pencil mark of the patterns was showing through the fabric, and I had to turn all the pieces over and cut the stained fabric to turn the sections over again and sew them together ✦


✦ These received a lot of compliments yesterday and today, it's old pink ✦


✦ I hope they sell quickly, I really tried hard to make them as nice as possible ✦


Originalmente pensaba hacer lazos grandes y dramáticos pero no era rentable porque solo salían 4 lazos por 1 metro de tela, por eso cambie el patrón a un lazo de talla mediana de 3 piezas; en total obtienes 6 lazos por cada metro de tela invertido.

I originally planned to make large, dramatic bows but it wasn't cost effective because it only came out to 4 bows per 1 meter of fabric, so I changed the pattern to a medium size 3 piece bow; in total you get 6 bows per meter of fabric invested.





Estas fotos son de ayer domingo por la noche, cuando por fin pude embalarlos todos y nos sentamos a sacar cuentas para decidir en qué precio se venderían.

Normalmente un lazo como este puede costar entre 10$ y 15$ dependiendo la zona de la ciudad donde lo veas y por supuesto su calidad.

Decidimos venderlos en 5$ cada uno por la urgencia, ya que solo tenemos 5 días para recaudar todo el dinero que sea posible.

These photos are from last Sunday night when I finally got them all packed up and we sat down to do the math to decide what price they would sell for.

Normally a bow like this can cost between $10 and $15, depending on the area of town where you see it and of course the quality.

We decided to sell them for $5 each because of the urgency, as we only have 5 days to raise as much money as possible.



✦ Design made by @Vanuzza I love you so much! ✦

¡También recibimos ayuda de @Vanuzza!, ella diseñó estos anuncios para compartir entre nuestros contactos y vecinos, de verdad ha sido de gran ayuda. Discúlpenme por censurar algunas partes, lamentablemente debo hacerlo por tema de seguridad para no revelar a personas mal intencionadas la ubicación de estos gatitos en situación de calle.

We also got help from @Vanuzza!, she designed these ads to share with our contacts and neighbors, she was a great help. Sorry for censoring some parts, unfortunately I have to do it for security reasons, so as not to reveal to ill-intentioned people the location of these kittens in the street situation.


✦ These little ones were recently born and are a reminder of how important it is to make the effort to sterilize the animals in your community ✦


✦ Yesterday they were rescued from a very dangerous roof so they wouldn't get sunburned, but their mother doesn't seem to accept them anymore. We are praying a lot that their mother will recognize them and will start nursing them again ✦


✦ She is aggressive and it will be hard to catch her to take her to the doctor, but we will make it ✦

Hasta este momento hemos logrado vender 13 lacitos, así que me mantengo optimista y aunque poco utilizo expresiones religiosas en este espacio, quiero encomendarnos a Dios y tener fe en que no nos va a dejar solas en este proceso.

So far we have managed to sell 13 bows, so I remain optimistic, and although I rarely use religious expressions in this space, I want to entrust us to God and have faith that He will not leave us alone in this process.

Nos rompe el alma la situación de estos gatitos, que no tienen la culpa de su situación, y sobre todo por las hembras que dan a luz constantemente camadas de bebes que sufren tanto. Pero ya estamos en camino de hacer algo al respecto. Deséanos suerte por favor, ¡el próximo lunes les cuento cómo salio todo!

We are heartbroken by the plight of these kittens, who are not to blame for their situation, and especially the females who keep giving birth to litters of babies who are suffering so much. But we are already on our way to do something about it. Wish us luck, next Monday I'll let you know how it went!

✨ 💙 Follow me on Hive and Instagram for more original content! 💙 ✨


✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow! They are so cute.
I think my favourite is the pink one. No the white or the black. I’m so confused. They are all pretty. Great job.

Thank you dear! I feel the same as you, I don't have a favorite color because I feel they are all beautiful 🙏 💗

This is indeed incredible,
I just love all the colors

Thank you very much! I hope you are very well and have a beautiful start of the new year 😊

 4 months ago  

That must really be some lots and lots of sewing for a good course.
Well done.

And it was totally worth every minute of effort, we achieved the goal and the kitties are already recovered from their surgeries today 🙏 ❤️‍🩹

Manually curated by Blessed-girl
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Discord Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en

¡Muchas graciaaaas!

Oh wow! What a sad story about the neighbor with 18 cats! I really admire you and your friend for doing what you can to help those poor little creatures. The bows you made a just fantastic. I really hope you are able to raise the funds to help those kitties.

Thank you for your good wishes dear Calendula, I am happy to tell you that we have reached our goal and all the effort was worth it. I hope that the gentleman who is resting in peace will be at peace knowing that his kittens are not completely alone 🫂 🙏

I saw your post about that! And feel certain that he ia very grateful to you for taking care of his kitties 🐈‍⬛🐈🌈

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