Good day to all, friends! I finally have some time to show you my new crafts. Of course, I'm still learning to crochet. during these six months, I have already knitted several hats, bags and even a pair of mitts... But most of all, and best of all, I succeeded in this scarf.
I really gave it to a friend right away, as I was knitting for her birthday and tried very hard. She does not like synthetics and I had to buy cotton threads and it is quite difficult to knit with them, since the hook had to be taken in a smaller size.
The scarf turned out to be almost 2 meters long. To be honest, I don't even know how to put it all in the camera :-)
So I'll just show you a piece, but you'll definitely see the pattern.
I also managed to tie a headband for my neighbor during this time.
And here, too, a beautiful pattern turned out. What do you think? I took soft threads for the bandage with the addition of bamboo. She likes soft hats and headbands without adding wool. The weather is good here, so you won't need warm products.
Although I like knitting bags the most. Here are a few of them.
This one is made of real palm leaves. You can see them in full in the photo. However, knitting them is much more difficult than threads or polyester cords.
This time I used 2 colors, straw and bright blue. The drawing turned out to be beautiful. However, probably if you get into the rain with such a bag, there will be a little trouble :-)
Not every item can be knitted from raffia. It crumples more often and breaks sometimes. And it needs to be straightened much longer before knitting...
But with such a string bag, you can safely go shopping. It is quite roomy. It includes a brown polyester cord and, for strength, I also used other threads that are recommended for making bags or even washcloths.
The Raffia itself has very large leaves, they are harvested after being cut and divided into long thin strips.
These strips are then dried to produce this very raffia.
After that, the raffia acquires its natural straw color.
But the bags made of raffia are requite durable and can withstand up to 10 kilograms.
And this is my new pillow case for the sofa cushion.
Now I will knit different colors and decorate my Internet with soft needlework.
You probably already realized that I like bright colors.
Although I still have to choose not very bright shades in my bags.
These bags are also durable. Since they are knitted from a polyester cord. Except they're not exactly light. After all, they weigh almost a kilogram.
I love big, big bags. That's why it takes a lot of cord. Moreover, I wanted to choose this unusual pattern.
In the finished form, the bag looks very impressive. I also made a massive long handle over her shoulder.
I can show my creativity for a long time, but I still won't be able to fit everything into this post. I will prepare new products a little later.
..In the meantime, I am waiting for your comments and suggestions.
Maybe you will like something of what I have created. :-)
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!
Best wishes!

oh a new hobby??
у вас здорово получается!
вот что значит талантливый человек - все получается)
у меня соседка эти увлекается тоже, я у ее покупала на подарки такие корзиночки всякие плетеные, такие милые вещицы) а вы себе или на продажу тоже?
Для продажи пока навыков маловато,
много ещё ошибок встречается и неровностей в вязании.
Иногда по несколько раз приходится перевязывать, пока опыта мало.
Спасибо, дорогая, за внимание!
со стороны и не скажешь, и огрех не видно совсем! присмотритесь к ярмаркам ручной работы, вдруг понравится вам там)
I love the bags!
And I like them. :-)
Thank you for your attention!
Beautiful patterns and colours😍 Love them!!
Thank you for your attention!
I'm glad you liked it :-)
You are welcome:))
These are very beautiful bags, dear @singa ! Great work... I love the shared information around raffia: I used this as a child, but haven't seen it in a long time. Your post makes me think again about using natural materials for weaving things... Mmmmmm - yum; so many potential things to make!
Thank you for your attention!
I really like raffia myself, you can knit so many different things from it,
but it's not quite durable...
ничего себе сколько ты уже всего связала!!!!!! вау!!!! вау!!!! а я еще тебя спрашивала вяжешь ли ты )))) умничка!!! а я вот совсем раскисла что-то. буду вдохновляться твоими работами! 2 метра шарф это вообще для меня не реально. не хватает терпения. что сказала подружка? понравилось ей? очень красивый узор! было бы интересно увидеть его на "модели" 😀 в наволочку на подушку я просто влюбилась. цвета огонь!!! сумки супер!!! я уверена, у тебя будут круто получаться пляжные сумочки. вообщем, ты реально круто поработала!!!!! браво!!!!
После твоей поддержки сразу хочется идти за крючком :-)
НА самом-то деле вязать мне очень понравилось.
Теперь все подружки заказы оставляют на сумочки...
у тебя правда очень здорово получается. творческий человек во всем творческий! 😀
This pattern is so neat
Thanks :-)