offal cropped jacket
Offal? like liver? 😂 I'm not sure which word you meant there. It's a fabric jacket, here's the scarf I wanted: Salvatore Ferragamo - not Chanel, the Chanel one is twice as much and the wrong colours (thank goodness). Sometimes, the website asks you if you think the article is priced correctly, I have told them that it is too expensive, but so far they have not taken my feedback into account 😂.
Broadly, the skirt is the wrong shape - too puffy and wide where I am already wide, it has a shortening effect, emphasised by my tiny shoulders ... the jacket has to be larger, more dramatic around the shoulders and neck to bring the skirt back into balance. When I was writing my comment yesterday I was wondering why I had given the leather one away ... I am thinner now and it could be worn blouson style. Ah well, it is living a better life with someone else 🙂.
I like your skirt, it has a retro look that suits you and I can imagine it with some of your other garments. A video conference sounds great: when shall we do it?
Oh, the weaving loom has arrived, it is tiny hehe. I'm not able to use it yet - I knitted too much and I have aggravated my hands. I tried a few minutes yesterday, but they are still too sensitive. Another week should do it. I've been trying to do some drawing and water colour painting everyday while they are recovering. I visited Leicester Art Gallery today to look at the German Expressionists again - the Gallery has about 500 pieces in its collection now. I want to try copying a few. We have a drawing-for-design session at our next sewing group in July, and then an outing in August where we can practice so I am looking forward to that.
Ohnoooooo I blame the autocorrect. I guess I wanted to write "oxfam cropped jacket" 😱 A bloody liver jacket… not sure they sell this second hand :-DDD
And with the scarf - wow - thats a price. I cross my fingers they follow your feedback and change it (have they ever done this? I have no experience with Oxfam)
Anf with the skirts shape, maybe I have the same problem. Theoretically I like pleads, practically I always feel weird wearing this skirt. I never thought about wearing something which makes my shoulders broader… hmmm… (I will send you a PN with a photo of me trying out trousers. I made the photo with a self timer and somehow the angle of the photo is distorted: I look as if I have huuuuuge shoulders and a minuscule waist. It is crazy how much a photo/perspective can distort the reality)
But back to your skirt… do you wear shoulder pads? Or I rephrase: how is your general opinion of shoulder pads? I for longer avoided them, but are lately thinking, maybe they are not so bad and can help to even out the figure (if this is the aim)
So sorry to hear with your hands/fingers. I feel you… and I hope they will get better soon. Is painting pain free? Perhaps this could be a nice substitution for now (I ask, because sketching with pencils is also hard on my fingers… watercolours or marker are ok ).
Not sure if you saw my „rejection“ post… But we are likeminded, I also started to sketch daily. I wanted to try out a tiny sketchbook with for me „meaningless“ sketches instead of pressuring to finish a whole planned painting. I love it so far. If you ever want to share your sketches… <3
And video conference: from Sunday on I have much more time as my showroom is then set and the auction on OpenSea started… I am fairly free… Do you prefer a day/time?