A thank you dress for a friend.

in NeedleWorkMonday3 months ago

Hello everyone and happy new year to you all.
Am glad to make my first post in this community in 2025.
2024 had been a year of so many experiences some good and some bad,but in all, am grateful especially for the gift of life.
Christmas period was really hectic for me because i had alot on my table ranging from being a wife,a mother,planing for Christmas at home and also to complete some dresses that were on my table.

Well, concerning this particular shirt dress,a friend of mine came into town on Christmas eve,i was so excited to see her after some months.
She spent the Christmas with us and her intention was for her to stay with us till 4th of January and leaves on the 5th to resume work on the 6th.

She loved the fact that i was doing better with my sewing skills and trust me she was very encouraging with her words
I promised to sew a nice shirt dress for her before she leaves.
Since Christmas was so hectic i had planned to make her dress on the 3rd so that she can go with it on the 5th of January.

But unfortunately she received a call from her boss on 30th December that she should resume work on 2nd of January .
Wow, that was really disturbing for me because i had to readjust all my plans to be able to sew her dress.

So early this morning i got to work as early as possible to create this beautiful shirt dress
I tried all i could do to be fast so that she can leave with it in the evening.

I was a bit stressed because this is my first time of sewing a shirt dress.it took me 4hours to complete it and i really had issues with the collar.
But at the end am grateful i was able to deliver the dress to her before she left.

The smile and the happiness was just so fulfilling.
And the dress is just my little way of telling her
Thank you for visiting

 3 months ago  

I totally understand the stress of the season especially on parents yet you still managed to make a lovely outfit. Thanks for sharing dear
Compliment of the season

Oh same to you
Thank you so much for your comments

Four hours is a really short time frame but you did it. Well done

Thank you so very much

It’s so beautiful and in that timeframe, a job well done 👍

Thank you so much for your nice comments

You are very welcome ❤️

Sewing a type of dress that you had never done before and in 4 hours is really admirable, you sew very fast! It was very beautiful and above all it looks very comfortable, how lucky is your friend!