in NeedleWorkMonday9 months ago


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Hola 👋 comunidad, esperó estén muy bien, les envió un gran abrazo desde caracas Venezuela 🇻🇪❤ los cuales son mi país y mi ciudad natal.
Hello 👋 community, I hope you are well, I sent you a big hug from Caracas Venezuela 🇻🇪❤ which are my country and my hometown.
Soy estudiante de arte 🎨 y hoy les quiero compartir una experiencia que tengo en los talleres de escultura con la costura.
I am an art student 🎨 and today I want to share with you an experience I have in sculpture workshops with sewing.


Estoy realizando una escultura blanda, consiste en realizar o construir volúmenes con maternales movibles bien sea el papel⬜, el hilo🧵🪡, la tela🧶...
I am making a soft sculpture, it consists of making or constructing volumes with movable mats, whether paper⬜, thread🧵🪡, fabric🧶...

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Empecé mi pieza realizando un cuerpo con tela, el cual con tiene brazos y una especie de cara.
I started my piece by making a body with fabric, which has arms and a kind of face.


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Como se veía muy sencillo quise subir un como el nivel. Decidí generar volúmenes lo suficientemente grande como para cubrir una pared🙃.
Since it looked very simple, I wanted to raise the level a bit. I decided to generate volumes large enough to cover a wall🙃.

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Estoy cosiendo las piezas por separado y luego las integro al cuerpo el cual parece una especie de monstruo, tomo una parte de la tela, la mido, la corto y luego realizo la costura dándole la forma que yó quiera, en este caso formas puntiagudas como un puercoespín🦔 y luego las lleno con tela y papel para darle solidez.
I am sewing the pieces separately and then I integrate them into the body which looks like a kind of monster, I take a part of the fabric, measure it, cut it and then I sew it giving it the shape I want, in this case pointed shapes like a porcupine🦔 and then I fill them with fabric and paper to give them solidity.

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Como todo es cosido a mano se a vuelto un poco difícil integrar las piezas ya que el cuerpo se está quedando sin espacio y se puede dañar la raíz de la costura.
Since everything is sewn by hand, it has become a little difficult to integrate the pieces since the body is running out of space and the root of the seam can be damaged.


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Lo más difícil fue integrar una pieza a uno de los brazos, esto por que la pieza tiene mucho algodón y papel,lo que hizo que la escultura perdiera equilibrio😅.
The most difficult thing was integrating a piece into one of the arms, this is because the piece has a lot of cotton and paper, which made the sculpture lose balance😅.

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Esto es lo que llevo por los momentos, pero espero poder terminar la pieza🙏 y mostrarles el final de mi escultura😊, hasta luego comunidad👋.
This is what I have at the moment, but I hope to be able to finish the piece🙏 and show you the end of my sculpture😊, see you later community👋.

Traducción: Google traductor.

 9 months ago (edited) 

That’s a lot of sewing you did there, I can’t imagine stitching by hand.
You are doing well with your arts and I'm sure that you will amaze us with your talents.
Welcome to the community.

Yes, it is really hard but the process is very fun and enriching. thank you so much 🙏😊.

So much hand sewing
Wow, that’s another level of art and talent
Even though the result lost it balance, I still think you did a great job on it

Yes, remember if it is a lot because at first I had to model the fabric to the point of reducing it a lot, as such the sculpture weighs 7 kilos hahahaha🤣. thank you so much 🙏🙂.

Every week needleworkers from around the globe get together to share our work, patterns, tips, ideas and shortcuts as we support one another. Our goal is to inspire the Hive blockchain to give crafting a try.Hello @picotart Welcome to NeedleWorkMonday community.

On Monday’s we use the #needleworkmonday tag and on all other days we use the #needlework tag without the word Monday attached. We share and post our work directly from the Community page.

We encourage our members to share about their needlework life with us. We love hearing stories and what types of things inspired your projects. We challenge you to put some feeling and emotion into your publications and help us get to know the needler behind the fabric.

Feel free to share photos of your work but it’s optional if you choose to share the steps with us (we do require you share the step process in at least one of your posts for validation purposes). If you just want to needle and share about that time we’d love to hear about it. 😊

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Thank you 🧵 🪡 ~

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Hey! Es genial que compartas este proceso, parece salido de una pesadilla ese mounstro de tela 😅 está increíble

Que buen trabajo hermano, espero ver el resultado final muy pronto, te deseo el mayor de los éxito.