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RE: WIP Workings

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago (edited)

A (Neumannsalva - hearing the words „yarn end“ is hiding behind a table right now, because not only does she write about herself in the third person, no she also got this week done exactly nothing 😱 not a single yarnend, button or collar 😱)
B did you ask your son how many heads the Ninjas should have??? 🤣
C Now the serious answer: WOOOOOW I love that you tackled this project. I remeber the design of it and that I love it. But I also feel your struggles, there is a lot of sewing and this often is less relaxing (as crocheting would be) more work in my mind. But it will be worth it. The design is special and the colors you have choosen too.
Have you ever tried to sew crochet with the sewing machine? I am asking because i so often have pondered to try it out (for knitting). I know that people do it in steeking (when you cut a sweater in the middle to later insert a buttonband) but I am still to cowardly to try it out….


Hahaha I thought hearing that word might make you hide 😂. Lol that's okay, there's still more weeks to go...don't be too hard on yourself.

Lol I hope only wants one head for each! 😮😄

Thank you for your words. There is a lot of sewing involved but you’re right, it will be worth it.

Oh gosh no I have never tried that. I’m too cowardly too for that. 😳