mosesessien cross-posted this post in NeedleWorkMonday 2 years ago

Request of help to save my new born baby and wife

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone...

It pleases me to share with you all the news of the birth of my first child but also I've also brought a request of help to assist me in paying off the hospital bills for my wife and child to be discharged.

I'm so grateful to God for keeping my wife and my daughter safe, because it really hasn't been easy for the pass 3 days.

Congratulations to my humble self, I'm now a father.

It wasn't yet time for my child to be born but then, when we went for our normal scan (antenatal), the doctor discovered that the child had no water in her mother's womb and we were advised to bring the baby out so as to keep her safe. My wife was immediately admitted and the doctor started the induction and for a full day, they tried bringing the child out but my wife's womb refused to open for the baby to come out.

The hospital we were then asked us to move to another hospital because they had limited hands to get the job done. So we were then transferred to another hospital for further operation.

So when we got there, the only option to save the baby was to conduct CS and I'm so happy and really thankful to God because the operation was successful. Here is my wife and my baby.

The only problem now is the money to discharge my family back home and also money to get some prescribed drugs for the child because she came a little bit earlier than she should have. Here is the receipt.

I have successfully deposit 40 thousand Naira, here is the receipt

Right now I'm looking for all the support I can get to be able to settle off the hospital bills and I just have a few days to do so. I never really expected the baby now but God knows best. Times have been really crazy for me but in all I'm grateful for life.

Here is me and my baby.

This year has been a really tough one for me, just last month I lost 500 thousand Naira which was stolen from my bank account. The bills for the baby is not yet available and the are requesting to get drugs for the baby because the baby is not too strong since she's an immature baby to make sure she is healthy.

You don't have to be too worried about anything because the child is healthy, I'm only soliciting for funds because I'm in great need of it, especially to keep my little girl healthy. Please I'd really appreciate your support and prayers for my family.

I am sorry for mentioning your names, God bless you all immeasurably as you support and say a prayer for me, Amen. Nothing is too small, even if you can't support me financially, your prayers will go a long way too.