Veamos el paso a paso.
My extraordinary family Hive, I am happy to share with you again, this time I made a pajama top; I made it with the sleeves of the pants that I had left when I made a short several days ago, I do not know if you remember that with a pair of pants that I was given, which was too big, I had the sleeves left and I said that I do with this, then I decided to make the blouse to the short and thus complement the complete set. I love the final result, now I have a nice set of pajamas, very comfortable.
Let's see the step by step.

- Las (2) mangas de un pantalón de algodón.
- Aguja.
- Hilo.
- Tijera.
- Lápiz.
- Regla.
- The (2) sleeves of a pair of cotton pants.
- Needle.
- Thread.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Ruler.

Paso 1:
- Tomamos una manga del pantalón, cortamos, la abrimos y la colocamos del lado al revés, para marcar y luego recortar la parte de atrás de la blusa con la medida del patrón de otra blusa.
Step 1:
- We take a sleeve from the pants, cut it open and place it on the wrong side, to mark and then cut out the back of the blouse with the measurement of the pattern of another blouse.

Paso 2:
- Con la otra manga del pantalón sacamos la parte frontal de la blusa, haciendo el mismo procedimiento anterior, pero con la diferencia de marcar y recortar de manera semicircular
el molde del cuello. Después lo doblamos en dos y cortamos 3 cm en la punta del dobles, para el molde del brazo.
Step 2:
- With the other sleeve of the pants we take out the front part of the blouse, doing the same procedure as above, but with the difference of marking and trimming in a semicircular way the neck mold.
the neck mold. Then we fold it in two and cut 3 cm at the tip of the fold, for the arm mold.

Paso 3:
- Aquí unimos los dos pedazos de tela la frontal junto con la de atrás, por el lado al revés basteamos y luego cosemos con el hilo blanco, sucesivamente hacemos un pequeño dobles por todo el borde de arriba a la blusa y la terminamos de coser.
Step 3:
- Here we join the two pieces of fabric, the front and the back, on the wrong side we baste and then we sew with the white thread, successively we make a small double around the top edge of the blouse and we finish sewing it.

Paso 4:
- Luego recorte unas tiras con el ruedo sobrante del pantalón lo cocemos, para hacerle los tirantes a la blusa.
Step 4:
- Then cut out some strips with the excess hem of the pants and sew them to make the straps of the blouse.

Paso 5:
- Después para terminar corte una tira de tela de 5 cm de ancho, comencé a bastear en forma de faralao, luego lo cosemos, para así darle un pequeño detalle a nuestra blusa en la parte frontal.
Step 5:
- Then to finish I cut a strip of fabric 5 cm wide, I started to baste in the form of faralao, then we sew it, to give a small detail to our blouse on the front.

Aquí esta mi resultado final.
Here is my final result.


Todas las fotos son de mi autoria y editadas con Canva.
All photos are my own and edited with Canva.

Bonita blusa, compartimos tu publicación
gracias, saludos.
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