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RE: How I made a mixed media art installation about a controversial topic

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago (edited)

You forgot to say that if you are interested in all these things and you care about how society behaves in the face of it, you are an extremist feminist who hates men and hates being a woman :-p. I don't know if it's an extended term in more languages, but "femi-nazi" is used a lot here. God, sometimes I hate people.

This exhibition is so cool, I would love to go. I hope everything turns out great in the new showroom ❤️.

 3 years ago  

Yep, the "feminazi" is a thing here too. But as I am in Germany most people do not dare to speak this aloud, but online they have no restrains.
As if one wants men to suffer only because women want the same rights or want to improve the situation for them. I know many men (and women) think like this, but its so wrong.. rigid gender roles are no good for anybody as is for example visible in the huge amount of male suicides (because they are so "tough" they need no psychological help etc.)
We will start to set up the exhibition on Monday. I also hope it will go well. THe artists who are in this room before us do not answer to Silvias mails. We wanted to know if we could deposit some things at this weekend (we have a car at the weekend)... but as they do not answer, it will be a bit more stressful next week.