Good morning from this part of the world, fellow Hive & Needle Work Monday ❣️. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, I hope you have a beautiful day surrounded by your loved ones, your lovers, your pets or whoever loves you haha. I personally love this day: celebrating love is something super cute, beyond the commercials that this date may seem, I think it is something nice to dedicate a special day to this beautiful feeling. Today, for share with you I bring a project made with love for my friend, that after so many turns I finally made it happen (you know how I am 😅).
Buenos días desde esta parte del mundo, compañeros de Hive & Needle Work Monday ❣️. Feliz día de San Valentín para todos ustedes, espero que pasen un hermoso día rodeado de sus seres queridos, sus enamorados, sus mascotas o quién sea que los ame jajaja. Personalmente me encanta este día: celebrar el amor es algo muy tierno, más allá de los comercial que pueda parecer esta fecha, creo que es algo lindo dedicarle un día especial a este sentimiento tan lindo. En el día de hoy traigo para compartir con ustedes un proyecto hecho con amor para mi amiga, que después de tantas vueltas que dí finalmente lo concreté (saben como soy 😅).

Love can be expressed in many ways and can come from anyone who appreciates us. Every time I do a project for someone else, my love is embodied in all that time I invest to finish the gift, from drawing the patterns to finishing sewing the last detail. Afterwards, what makes me feel proud is seeing the finished garment, and even more so when it reaches its owner. The whole process has a lot of implicit affection ❤️.
El amor se puede expresar de muchas maneras y puede venir de cualquiera que nos aprecie. Cada vez que hago un proyecto para alguien más, mi amor está plasmado en todo ese tiempo que invierto para terminar el regalo, desde dibujar los moldes hasta terminar de coser el último detalle. Después, lo que me hace sentir orgullosa es ver la prenda terminada, y más aún cuando llega a su dueña. Todo el proceso tiene un montón de cariño implícito ❤️.

I could even say that while I'm working on this I have the love of my pets, who don't stop keeping me company (they literally don't take off for a second). And I did this project one afternoon listening to music while having some mates with my mom. More signs of love here ❤️.
Hasta podría decir que mientras trabajo en esto tengo el amor de mis mascotas, que no paran de hacerme compañía (literalmente no se despegan un segundo). Y este proyecto lo hice una tarde escuchando música mientras tomaba algunos mates con mi mamá. Más muestras de amor por aquí ❤️.

I also think that having dedicated myself to learning all this about lingerie and sewing is something exclusively about self-love. I have always liked to study and know how to do new things, and since the pandemic began until now I have invested my time in training as much as possible until I achieved my goal. I still have a long way to go to get to the perfection I need, but I think I'm on the right track ❤️.
También creo que haberme dedicado a aprender todo esto de la lencería y la costura es algo exclusivamente de amor propio. Desde siempre me gusta estudiar y saber hacer cosas nuevas, y desde que empezó la pandemia hasta ahora he invertido mi tiempo en capacitarme en la medida de lo posible hasta lograr mi objetivo. Aún me falta mucho para llegar a la perfección que necesito, pero creo que voy por buen camino ❤️.
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As for technical aspects, this bodice is lace with a back, unlike bralettes that only have an elastic band that supports the contour. As this size is somewhat large, it is necessary that there is enough fabric to support the bust, as well as elastic bands that adapt well to the body. In order to have a reinforced seam, I chose the elasticized techniques of rolled elastic, so that there is a double pass of the machine.
En cuanto a aspectos técnicos, este corpiño es de encaje con espalda, a diferencia de los bralettes que solo tienen un elástico que sostiene el contorno. Como este talle es algo grande, es necesario que haya bastante tela que sostenga el busto, así como también elasticos que se adapten bien al cuerpo. Para que tenga una costura reforzada, elegí las técnicas de elastizado de elástico rebatido, para que haya una doble pasada de máquina.

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What I liked about this design is that it has a wide side on the back but then with a curve it narrows to put a 3 cm hook. The molds of the bodices that I drew before have this piece in the shape of a triangle, so in some cases they are very thin and curl into the skin. This is something that will please my future clients, when I have them 😂.
Lo que me gustó de este diseño es que en la espalda tiene un costado ancho pero que luego con una curva se afina para poner un gancho de 3 cm. Los moldes de los corpiños que dibujé antes tienen esta pieza en forma de triángulo, por lo que en algunos casos resultan muy finas y se enrroscan en la piel. Esto es algo que va a agradar a mis futuras clientas, cuando las tenga 😂.
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After sewing the straps, this is the final result ❤️. I really like this fabric, I still have quite a lot and this is the third bodice I've made with it, and none of them were for me. I think I deserve one 😅.
Después de coser los breteles, este es el resultado final ❤️. Me gusta mucho esta tela, todavía tengo bastante y este es el tercer corpiño que hago con ella, y ninguno fue para mí. Creo que me merezco uno 😅.

Now I just have to wait to see my friend to give it to her and cross my fingers that the size is correct. Oh, and I forgot that I also have to do the bottom part (I haven't started it yet, I got distracted with all those trips and walks). I'm going to try to make it before next Valentine's Day (I hope so) 😅. Meanwhile, my love is already all deposited here ❤️.
Ahora solo me queda esperar ver a mi amiga para darselo y cruzar los dedos para que la talla sea la correcta. Ah, y me olvidaba que también tengo que hacer la parte de abajo (aún ni la empecé, me distraje con todos esos viajes y paseos). Voy a intentar que sea antes del próximo San Valentín (eso espero) 😅. Mientras tanto, mi amor ya está todo depositado aquí ❤️.
❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️
❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️

Lau 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.
I remember the fabric and I still love it, I think it looks so delicate and special. If you have enough, could you sew a bodysuit for yourself? Perhaps with a bit of darker inlay at the bust, so that you could wear it as a top instead of underwear. I think this would look amazing on you!!!
But back to your lovely gift. I think it is really special and you friend will be happy to have such a creative friend <3 Here Valentines Day is not celebrated widely, mostly people go dining with their loved ones, but because of covid this is reduced this year. I just now baked some chocolate/rum/coffee cupcakes for my husband (and wanted to eat the dough raw… why baking when it so yummy raw 😆)
Happy Valentines Day to you 😘
I still have this fabric because a long time ago I bought the exaggerated amount of 10 meters hahahaha. I could make myself a top, it's actually a great idea. I haven't worn the black one I made a while ago, it's a hybrid between a t-shirt and underwear so I think it's too much for any occasion 😂. But I could make a t-shirt with this, I'll try ❤️.
Raw dough sounds good too. A good show of love . Happy Valentine's to you too Simone ❣️.
Bueno amiga @lauramica en todo caso para nosotros el día del amor, elaboramos tan bonitas lencería para regalárlselas a nuestra enamorada. Abrazos. Éxitos
Sii,.este sería un buen regalo en este día 💥🔥 jajaja. Saludos!
Wow! wonderful job!!!! That's very beautiful!!!! your kitty is very cute!
AWW thank you 🥰❤️
amo, es super lindo
Siii, ya te va a llegar jajajaja.
al fin :3 tengo que darte tu vestido tambien
Well done @lauramica!
Thankssss 😍.
I love your ideas about how love is embodied in the gifts we make for others and all the different kinds of love there are. Interesting about humans that they can have boundless love 😍.
I love the lingerie, so delicate.
Oh thank you very much, I'm glad you like what I made 😍. Luckily yes, it seems that love never ends for those who really matter to us ❤️.
As usual you keep wowing me each and every time you post this is so beautiful thanks for sharing
Thank you very much friend, thank you for passing by and appreciating ❤️.
You inspire me! I have such a hard time finding bras that fit me. Maybe it is time for me to learn how to make my own.
Without a doubt, that is the most comfortable because we can use our exact measurements. I hope you are encouraged to make some beautiful garment ❤️.
Está muy hermoso, llevo días queriendo hacer uno, pero aún no quiero arriesgarme. Primero veré muchos tutoriales para luego agarrar ánimo. Hermoso trabajo, muchas bendiciones 🌺
Esto es prueba y error hasta que salga bien jajaja. Solo animate y después con práctica te va a ir saliendo cada vez mejor. Gracias por tu comentario ❤️.
Ya me voy a copiar para autoregalo jaja, quedo fabuloso.
This is really beautiful! I love how you describe your working process, and how you put all this time and love into the gift for your friend.. i do feel this way as well by creating things, it is such a nice time with yourself that gives the space to think, for yourself or about the person you are making something for. What you said about the back getting thiner just at the end, is a really cool tip, ill try that next time, as i did have that problem of the fabric rolling in before.. thanks:) and me too I would love to see the bottom part for that bralette:) cheers