A big greeting dear community of needleworkers, happy needlework afternoon.
Happy Three Kings Day, I hope you receive many gifts, here in my country we all prepare to receive the surprise of what the Three Kings will bring as a gift for everyone, this fantasy invades the hearts of the children who elaborate their letters and wait for the night to fall asleep and check very early in the morning, under the bed to see what gift they received.
Today a friend came to visit me and wanted me to make her a top blouse, she brought me a very nice blue fabric, so I could make her an asymmetrical cut blouse, adding a semi-cup cut, long on the other side, and with straps, this design was very similar to one I made some time ago, she didn't bring me a garment to measure, but with the little experience I have taking measurements in a sewing course I did several years ago, I took some measurements with the tape measure.
I am not used to make clothes for other people, since there are many people who demand and do not pay, besides they always see buts to everything, and as I know I do not have the experience I would like, I only make exceptions, with my friends, and taking into account that my friend is much thinner than me, I could not guide me with a garment of mine or my daughter's, everything was too fast, she wanted something simple to go out with her cousin for a walk and they wanted to go combined.
My little friend is one size smaller than size S, and the great advantage of being this thin is that with little fabric you can make a lot.
I hope you like how the blouse turned out.
The pictures you will see below were taken with my phone model TECNO SPARK GO 2024.
Un gran saludo querida comunidad de artesanos amantes de las agujas, feliz tarde de agujas.
Feliz día de Reyes, espero reciban muchos regalos, aquí en mi país todos nos preparamos para recibir la sorpresa de lo que traerán los Reyes Magos de regalo para todos, esta fantasía invade los corazones de los niños que elaboran sus cartas y esperan a que se haga noche para dormir y revisar muy temprano en la mañana, debajo de la cama para ver que regalo recibieron.
Hoy me vino a visitar una amiga que quería que le hiciera una blusa top, me trajo una tela azul muy bonita, para que le hiciera una blusa de corte asimétrico, añadiéndole un corte de semi copa, largo del otro costado, y con tirantes, este diseño me pareció mucho a uno que hice hace un tiempo, ella no me trajo prenda de medida, pero con la poca experiencia que tengo tomando medidas en un curso de costura que hice hace varios años, le tome algunas medidas con la cinta métrica.
No acostumbró hacer ropa para personas ajenas, ya que hay mucha gente que exige y no paga, además siempre le ven peros a todo, y como sé que no tengo la experiencia que desearía, solo hago excepciones, con mis amigas, y tomando en cuenta que mi amiga es mucho más delgada que yo, no me pude guiar con una prenda mía ni de mi hija, todo fue demasiado rápido ella quería algo sencillo para salir con su prima a dar un paseo y querían ir combinadas.
Mi amiguita es una talla menos que la talla S, y la gran ventaja de ser así de delgada es que con poca tela se puede hacer mucho.
Espero les guste como quedo la blusa.
Las fotografías que verán a continuación, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono modelo TECNO SPARK GO 2024.
The fabric is a scrap of less than half a meter, it did not bring me thread and the one I had was a very light blue, which did not look very good to this blue, I remembered that I had a darker thread that I could not find to begin with, however, I started to make the first cuts to make the blouse.
La tela es un retazo de menos de medio metro, no me trajo hilo y el que yo tenía era un azul muy claro, que no se le veía muy bien a este azul, recordé que tenía un hilo más oscuro que para empezar no encontraba, sin embargo, empecé hacer los primeros cortes para hacer la blusa.
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I took the fabric and measuring length and width, I made the front piece, from one side to the sides, I went up a little to the shoulder, from one of the sides, from the other side, I made a semi straight line to the side of the armhole, and cut the side.
Tome la tela y midiendo largo y ancho, hice la pieza delantera, desde un lateral hasta los costados, subí un poco al hombro, de uno de los costados, del otro costado, hice una línea semirrecta hasta el costado de la sisa, y corte lateral.
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Cut the piece, which goes from the other side, which is like a cup shape, but goes up to the middle of the shoulder, then from there goes a strap to the back.
Cut a rectangle for the back part, granting the same width as the front piece, since it is for a slim girl with a small bust, besides the fabric is flexible, it doesn't need much to adjust.
To complete the piece I just cut some straps and from here I just started to pass the seams to give shape to this blouse.
Corte la pieza, que va del otro costado, que es como una forma de copa, pero que sube hasta la mitad del hombro, luego de allí va un tirante hasta la parte trasera.
Corte un rectángulo para la parte de la espalda, concediendo con el mismo ancho de la pieza delantera, ya que es para una chica delgada con poco busto, además que la tela es flexible, no se necesita mucho que ajustar.
Para terminar de completar la pieza solo corte unas cintas para los tirantes y desde aquí solo empecé a pasar las costuras para darle forma a esta blusa.
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In one of the laps I made around my room thinking about where I had placed the blue thread, I managed to find the whereabouts of this thread, I immediately made some color tests and obviously this was the color I needed.
Happy because I always try to give the best of me in my work, I began to place pins to mark where I was going to sew.
En una de las vueltas que di a mi cuarto pensando donde había colocado el hilo azul, logre dar con el paradero de este hilo, enseguida hice unas pruebas de color y obviamente este era el color que necesitaba.
Contenta porque siempre procuro dar lo mejor de mí en mis trabajos, empecé a colocar alfileres para marcar por donde iba a coser.
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The first piece I sewed was the piece that goes from one of the front sides, since this is sewn with the double of the asymmetrical side cut with straps.
Sewing this piece I sewed the armhole, here I just folded the fabric and sewed a straight seam, and started sewing the straps placing the right sides tape, then I folded and sewed a straight seam over.
La primera pieza que cosí fue la pieza que va de uno de los lados delanteros, ya que esta va cosida con el doble del corte lateral asimétrico con tirantes.
Cosiendo esta pieza cosí la sisa, aquí solo doble la tela y pase costura recta, y comencé a coser los tirantes colocando la cinta de lados derechos, después doble y pase una sobre costura recta por encima.
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What was left was to sew the back piece, sew the straps on this piece and sew the hem, all sewn with straight stitching here there are no problems that the fabric breaks because I use a technique that leaves this seam very well and is that the fabric has to tighten a little bit and it is a wonder how the seam is.
My friend came to get the blouse as soon as I told her, but she didn't dare to wear it for the picture, no matter how much I insisted, she says she is very thin and since she doesn't dare to wear an open blouse without anything underneath she will wear it with another blouse underneath hahaha, well I know it will look very pretty, surely when she is with a few extra kilos she will be doing exercises and diets to lose weight, I say this from my own experience and that's why I understand her, we are definitely incomprehensible.
Thank you for coming this far, I hope the blessing of almighty God falls on each one of you, my dear friends.
Lo que restaba era coser la pieza trasera, coser los tirantes en esta pieza y coser el ruedo, todo cosido con costura recta aquí no hay problemas de que la tela se rompa porque utilice una técnica que deja muy bien esta costura y es que la tela se tiene que tensar un poquito y es una maravilla como queda la costura.
Mi amiga vino a buscar la blusa en cuanto le avise, pero no se atrevió a usarla para la fotografía, por mucho que le insistí, ella dice que está muy delgada y que como no se atreve a usar blusa descubierta sin nada abajo la va a usar con otra blusa por debajo jajaja, bueno sé que le va a lucir muy linda, seguramente cuando esté con unos kilos de más va a estar haciendo ejercicios y dietas para adelgazar lo digo por experiencia propia me paso y por eso la comprendo, definitivamente somos incompresibles.
Gracias por llegar hasta aquí, espero que la bendición de Dios todopoderoso recaiga sobre cada uno de ustedes, mis queridos amigos.
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You did a great job with this scrap fabric and the outcome is so beautiful.
Thank you for your encouraging comment my dear, my friend is thin and with little fabric a lot is solved.😄
It is a great job to understand and interpret the design of an asymmetric blouse. The color of the fabric is very striking, I liked it.
Gracias querida, es la segunda vez que trabajo este corte asimétrico, la blusa es sencilla de hacer, porque parte de una blusa básica con tirantes.
Thank you dear, this is the second time I work this asymmetrical cut, the blouse is simple to make, because it starts from a basic blouse with straps.
This must be a special type of design, I have been trying to wrap my head around how you must have made this. It's beautiful, thanks for sharing.
Thank you dear, I'm glad you liked it, it's a simple design, but yes, it looks special, it's an asymmetrical with another piece that gives it that different look. To do it I give you an idea, use a strapless blouse as a guide and from one of the straps make a semi straight cut from one side to the other, cut the back part straight and make an additional piece for the other side the cut can be in long cup to the shoulder and from there you are going to sew the strap. I hope you understand a little more. Thanks for your encouraging comment.😊🤗
Beautiful I need this type now that the weather is hot now
Thank you, yes indeed it is the ideal for the heat and it is a very comfortable and soft fabric, it is peach skin.🤗
You did an amazing job, Weldon
Thank you very much.🙂