It all starts with the fabric. The touch of it, the consistency, material, color…
Every new project I pick this is pretty much how I get inspired, by choosing the fabric first.
This time I am working on a conversion or upcycle of a ramie shirt into an apron dress. Last week I shared with you the plans on what I was going to work on. Focusing on getting some of that buried projects back to the sewing machine and hopefully finally get some of them done.
Why did I even leave them? Well sometimes it is because I am not inspired by the fabric anymore, sometimes because I got frustrated over some things not working out the right way. Because going on would mean undoing everything I did so far.
And a lot of times it is “just” because there are so many new ideas, so I lose the focus and do everything at the same time, which means in the end I do nothing right, or should I rather say nothing at all.
I put my goal on two items first, a ramie shirt and a silk dress that I wanted to turn into something new.
The ramie shirt inspired me more. The fabric is somewhat very similar to linen. Maybe spending time in the countryside is what makes me so attracted to it recently. Even though I love linen (or similar) fabric in general, for their nice feel on the skin, keeping you warm when its fresh and at the same time being light and airy when it’s hot.
The plan was to create an apron that you could also wear as a dress. Something like dungarees in the form of a dress. (yes lately I am very much into anything dungaree related)
I started by cutting of the length of skirt I wanted to have for the bottom, to then figure out the top of the apron.
During the following process, I realized that, as simple as an apron might seem, there is always space to overengineer everything!!
That’s what I did.
Made loads of strips...
...nice seems and edges.
I was going to make this really nice top part with no raw finishings to show and attached laces to be able to adjust the length of the shoulder strips.
When I realized it didn’t work at all… I over thought the whole thing so much, it looked really shit. The top wasn’t fitting (too big) The skirt was overlapping way too much at the back which looked weird too.
At that stage, all I wanted to do is through the whole thing back in the bag, at the far bottom of the bag and get it out of sight and thought.
I spend so many hours, for nothing.
I guess what saved the between shirt and apron to end up there, was that I already shared the plan I had about it in words and pictures. It was no longer me hiding in my room and no one knows if I am working on something or not. It is a very settle detail, but I feel like the sharing process of work does influence how fast I am willing to give up.
I gave myself one afternoon to correct the mistakes…
…which I did. Without scruple I cut off all the clean work I did. Cut off the top, made it square and basic. Cut of the finishings, narrowed the waist, sewed on the laces (in a fix position)....
...and made some simple square pocket (just one because sometimes I can’t stand symmetries)
*(still tempted to overeingineer lol) *
And after all this is what came out...
A apron dress (that you still have to wear a skirt underneath is a compromise I am willing to take:)) too walk through forests and fields collecting berries and flowers...
Thank you for stopping by and sharing the process with me, I appreciate all the interactions we have!!:) Have a lovely week and see you around!
I love this style, - your presentation is so delicious and beautifully calming. Thank you for all that you share!
I've made a similar type of dress a couple of times in my life; once also as a two-piece. I love the balance between bib and skirt, and figuring out how much of the body can be shown to good effect, but not exposing too much.
I have an extensive collection of aprons myself for my painting studio and gardening - but have never designed one specifically to be both dress and apron: I adore this!
I use an apron as an extra layer of modesty, when bumbling around in summer with little on. We live on a very quiet street, so there's often no-one about to see, but aprons are an important part of participating in (the very conservative) culture here, and not being too 'gardening in the bikini' like a right foreigner. Hahah.
Thank you!!:) Aaah yes I definitely agree, it is an awesome way to be dressed lightly but covered:) I love that part of it too!! A bit like dungarees where you could just wear a bralette or something like that underneath, and especially when it is hot, it is such a light way to be dressed.. And as you said I love the combination between useful and stile, so you can work in the garden but still have a nice "dress" on instead of just some old clothes that can get dirtied...
Its really nice to have you stopping by once more! Have a nice day:)
I love linen fabric as well. Kudos to you for not throwing this piece back into the dungeon of forgottens. This is why I love the community interaction we have because we hold each other accountable in a sense . We want to so bad stick to what we’ve shared as our goals and carry it out to celebrate our accomplishments.
I really love this piece and it will be so fun wearing it to walk through the forest and pick berries.
I always enjoy your posts and the creative peaceful mood you put me in. 😊
Congratulations on a beautiful finish!! Yay!! 🥳👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Its actually the mood for me, how she has modeled the apron look magnificent and like you said it will fit well for a walk through the forest.
I could throw in whatever into the pockets.
...and I did enjoy some walks through the fields with it already and it felt really good to wear😊 so glad for the pocket as well, just not sure where to store the berries yet:) maybe I should make or find some nice little basket with it...:)Thank you so much💕 both of you @crosheille and @monica-ene this is so nice to read, especially after going through almost-abandoning-the-project... indeed its a very nice way to keep each other up on the work!!
Absolutely! 😉
A cute little basket would be nice! 😍
Please share me some 😁😂❤💖
Now I want an apron(dress) and you are to blame 😍😆 If you had shared only the final photos I would have never thought it was so much thinking, cutting, and thinking again. The final dress looks awesome, and I really mean it, I need a kind of apron/dress for the studio as I recently started to mix my own colors and I made a bit of a mess with green paint on my shirt 😱 Digital painting is much „cleaner“ :-DDDD
„I guess what saved the between shirt and apron to end up there, was that I already shared the plan I had about it in words and pictures“…
I guess I would have taken out the lighter and the petrol and later told everyone I always planned to burn everything 🤡
"I guess I would have taken out the lighter and the petrol and later told everyone I always planned to burn everything" 😂😂 thanks for the tip I will think of that one next time as an option!!
Well I guess if I would have started simple, without overthinking, it could have been an easy project (as in the end I did finish in one afternoon after screwing all the previous plans) so I can encourage you to add an apron-dress to the wips with piece of conscience..:))
Oh my God, I definitely won't stop laughing if you burned everything.
Nevertheless it was so much work to get this transformation done.
Well done
Yes it made me laugh too:)) well see who will be the first one to come up with that excuse:))
I had a dress, similar cut as an apron. The best piece I ever had in my closet even tho people were staring confused at me.
Love it, great idea!
Thanks:) Hahah I imagine (I am walking around like this sometimes in the countryside, feeling this whole countryside-vibe, but have to realize that I am really the only one dressing up like that lol, maybe in another time, or place it would blend in more)
Love the apron, great job, keep it up. Greetings from the Philippines!
Thank you!! I will:)
You're welcome (^_^)
I congratulate you for your work, I liked the placement of the pockets and the way you close the dress.
Thank you!! that is very nice to hear:)
You did great thanks for coming through
Thank you!! well yes I am glad I did so too:)
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Excellent work 👍. You are doing great.
Thank you!! Thats very nice to hear😊
You have a really good eye for styling, colour and layout. I assume you're trained in fashion.
I like you work!
Thank you so much!! Means a lot to me to hear that:)
Meant in full. There is a LOT of fine work on your feed. I'll keep an eye on you for sure.
Very inspiring. ❤️
Thats awesome!!:) I am very happy to have you around then, for sure💕