Hello, hello NeedleWorkMonday friends, happy and blessed Friday to all of you. Today I am very excited to show you a sneak peek of my new project, but this time in a little different way. I thought I'd make it a little more fun, so I'm bringing you a game. Today I'm going to show you what I'm knitting and you'll try to guess what it is.

As I have already told you, I have been working on the nativity project for Christmas. Although I like this project very much, I get a little bored knitting the base of the characters, because the same pattern is used for all of them, that is to say, I have to repeat the pattern 5 times. This has always been my biggest problem when taking orders, since I don't like to knit the same design or pattern many times. That's why I decided to take a break and start a totally different project, and then continue with the characters of the nativity scene.

This project guessing initiative came to me yesterday when I showed my mom what I was knitting. She always asks me: “What are you doing now?” and when I tell her what it is about, she makes a questioning face and that amuses me a little, because she never understands how that set of threads will become what I tell her. Many times I've had to show her pictures of the reference of the project so she can get an idea. But when I show her the final result she is always amazed. This is the magic of crochet and that's why I like it so much.

Well, today I would like you to tell me what you think I am weaving now. I am sure that for many of you it will be simple, since you are also crocheters and you can get an idea. However, maybe for those of you who don't knit it will be a little harder to guess, so I'll leave you with 5 possible choices so you can pick one. I will keep an eye out for your answers, I hope to share the final result on Monday. For now I say goodbye, wishing you an excellent weekend. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

I want to see the finished project. I can't wait. I also have the problem with having to repeat the same pattern more than twice. It gets boring
Discord Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en
Is about baby caps....
Even with the options I am really poor at guessing and won't want to fail woefully😂, still I will pick an option B. I'm happy to see you and mum having a great time over your crochet projects.
Bello trabajo Katy, felicidades te quedó muy lindo. 🫂
Definitely e 🙂
What's the prize, cause I think I'm right haha
Congratulations @kattycrochet!
You raised your level and are now a Dolphin!