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RE: [ESP-ENG] Confeccionando un tapaboca para mí hijo | Making a mouthpiece for my son

I remember, last year me and my husband were making these kind of facemask and sell it in lower price to our neighbors because the stores are selling it doubled to our price. We lessen the price because it's pandemic and some of us are suffering from not having work because of lockdown. At first, I'm thinking of just giving it to the people but we need to continue the production also because more people are needing it, and because of that, we need to buy more cloth in making facemasks and we also need money to do so. Anyway, thanks for sharing your project. A mother always thinks what's best for her son/daughter. He's lucky to have you. God bless and have a nice and fruitful week.


Thank you very much for commenting, jonalyn2020, there are people who do not have to buy it because they are expensive, it's amazing what we can do with a piece of fabric, and we as mothers should be very attentive to take care of our children, and of course take care of ourselves, blessings.