¡Hola, espero te encuentres de maravilla!
Hi, I hope you are feeling great
Estos días se me ocurrió diseñar un llavero más pequeño, con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de tejido...el cual dió buenos resultados. A mí que me encantan los llaveros (tengo una colección, jaja), creo que llevar a todos lados a este amigüito hará que tús días sean distintos. Espero en el futuro volver a viajar y lucir esta curiosa marcarita por alllí, jaja.
These days it occurred to me to design a smaller keychain, with the aim of reducing the weaving time...which gave good results. As I love keychain (I have a collection), I think that taking this little friend with me everywhere I go will make your days different. I hope to travel again in the future and wear this curious little mark there, jaja.

The main change I made compared to the previous version was the size of the head, which is dark brown. Here I was "diagramming" with pins to see how it looked. I usually get it right on the 1st try.

I also took advantage of playing with the colours. The initial idea was to include the reduction of the horns. Then I realised that it wasn't necessary. It occurred to me that if he has small horns it would reduce his age (jaja)...similar to farm animals.

Another change was to insert the key ring directly, removing the central feather from the previous design. Finally, I chose the embroidery of the 3 little claws together because I think it represents the idea I want to express.

This is the final version. Soon I will release the pattern so you can knit it, I will also be making a call for the testing. So if you are interested in knitting this Diablito mask keychain, keep an eye out for the next posts.
¡Y eso es todo!
¡Hasta la próxima!
See you next time!.
Dato curioso: Estos llaveritos muy pronto estarán en las manos de sus dueños. Y cuando esté listo el patrón, espero se vayan por todo el mundo.| These little keyrings will soon be in the hands of their owners. And when the pattern is ready, I hope they will go all over the world.
Si quieres saber más, nos vemos en:
Ravelry pattern shop
Máscara de Diablito-parte 1
Máscara de Diablito-parte 2
Diablito Altiplánico-parte 1
Mini Diablito Altiplánico-parte 1