Congratulations on getting your new sewing partner😅 she looks gorgeous!/and I'm sure would be a lot of help as it has already started doing just that.
I'm also saving to get myself one hopefully soon too, an industrial straight sewing machine, it's so expensive where I'm located, but I'm not giving up.
My manual helps a lot, just needs that assistance and my kneel has started to hurt a lot these days from pedaling.
But being able to undertake a project from scratch to the end is beautiful as well and gives you so much more freedom.
You are so right about this, very satisfying indeed.
Congrats once again and happy sewing!
Thanks sooo much! I wish that you will get the one you want soon!
Prices are super high unfortunately... That was also a reason for taking this specific and not an industrial one, plus the fact that I love that it's portable :)
I hope your knee will get better soon! Happy sewing to you as well, I can see you are making some gorgeous pieces!