What a wonderful response @shanibeer! It’s so true that before the feature of communities came we had already established this community. 😊🥰
I am looking for those same things in a post as well. As you said we have always been a unique group. You can clearly spot the difference from someone really wanting to share what they’ve learned (mistakes and all), how they reached their end results and when the author loves sharing a little more about themselves so we can get to know them better, compared to a more robotic type approach of getting it done to get in a posting goal for the week. We never wanted this to be about posting for a vote or throwing in some photos so we can say “this post is sharing the process.” We really want to see effort in this and not just a repetitive mediocre one.
Yes it is quite disappointing this is going on but I’m really hoping it will change now. If it continues the support we give those individuals will definitely have to be reconsidered and we’ll have to find new ways to show we will not accept this type of behavior and attitude.
Thanks so much for sharing your input, I have always valued your insights ~ ♥️
I'm sure it will. Needlework Monday has always been better than that 😍