It’s another Happy Monday and I’m glad to be able to share with you my completed Mother’s Day needlework.
I have not been able to purchase the other colored threads for my mother-in-law and sisters yet. On top of that we had to do a senior photoshoot and I had to finish the edits within a week (stay tuned because I’ll be sharing some of those photos with you later this week). So I’ve been pretty strapped for time and energy.
I honestly do not know if I’ll be able to make three sets in time for Mother’s Day. I will figure out a backup plan in case I do run out of time. I may just have to gift them a set of earrings on a different occasion.
Making these earrings was a lot of fun. I did try to add on some silver beads but they were too big and didn’t really add any flare. I need to stock up on smaller beads that will be more suitable for jewelry making.
I like the simplicity of this pair I made but would also like to try more intricate designs. I think for the next pair I do I won’t use any hoops but instead crochet the entire earring shape. It will be fun playing around with different sizes and adding a variety of beads and jewels.
With the correct sized hook it was pretty easy adding on the fringe. I simply wrapped the thread around the bottom of my phone multiple times and then cut it to make the fringe.

When I first started it did seem as if it would take forever but it went by quick enough. The loops added to the single crochet stitches made a nice simple design that I was satisfied with. With this being my first time making earrings I was okay with not adding too much to them.
Trying to add on the beads did give me another idea for a future project. When I’m ready to add beads to the bottoms of my earrings I know that all I have to do is crochet them on along the way. I used a small darning needle to slip on the bead and then crocheted around it to secure it.
I will most likely use smaller hoop earrings when I’m ready to try the beads in that way. It was easy adding them on when my work was already attached to the hoop.
Here’s a close up of the added fringe…

To make the slanted shape which is pointed in the middle I held both earrings back to back in midair. To make sure they were even I decided to do them at the same time. I cut one side downward in a slanted direction and then turned the earrings around to do the exact same to the other side.
I could make them a little more even but I’m actually satisfied with how they turned out. I am pretty excited with how easy it is to make a set of earrings.

You know I gotta mention my three year old. She will most likely take after me in craft making because she watches everything I do and asks questions.
While I was cutting the earrings she was so intrigued. Once they were done she followed me into the bathroom and watched me try them on. Later on when we went grocery shopping she asked
Mama, where are your new earrings?
I told her they were too fancy for groceries 😅! The fact that she asked me about them and wondered why I didn’t have them on really impressed me. She is always surprising me with how she observes and pays attention.
Well I’m off to get ready for Co-op. I look forward to seeing your entries today. I will comment on as many of your posts as I can once we return home. I hope you had as much fun making yours as I did mine! 😊🪡

Thanks for Reading ~

I saw when you first post how you started making this concept I was so in anticipating to witness the final look and book here am seeing it, I went off air for days cus of stress and lack of time and am showing up now to see this so beautiful am still thinking how you got everything done and it’s so beautiful, I love the way it’s dangling and am so not really happy seeing others post for Mother’s Day and am like I missed my own chance of making something lovely too for mom on Mother’s Day, I was unable to cus if my work was so choking and tight in my neck, but anyhow I’ll still make something anyways but this content you’ve made it’s so beautiful and for me you’re the first thanks for sharing
Thanks for your admiration of my work and all the compliments of it!
I hope you’re able to get some time away from work to unwind and do what you love to do. Sounds like you’ve been stressed lately. 😟
@crosheille Stress is an understand-statement compared to what am feeling at the moment am so freaked-out, working here is something else @crosheille most times I regret, truly speaking I most times regret, cus of the way the work is super demanding of my time, during the day I work so tirelessly till evening and when it’s my closing hours Am still asked by my boss to stay few hours more and at the end of the day I end up spending my night to work for him too and that’s the way it keeps reoccurring even my weekends I no more rest I just keep working that’s why I hardly do my posts, am so lacking behind and it’s really eating me up and even to login and view people’s content I do that by the grace of God it’s really hard but I just pray everything should fall into place soon or I might just lose my mind ☹️😞🥺
Prayers going up for you! This doesn’t sound healthy for your mental or physical state. 😟
Take it one step and one day at a time. If you can get to just one post and comment count that as a victory. Don’t be too hard on ourself that you can’t engage as much as you used to. It’s only for a season right? Get through what’s in front of you first, take care of yourself and get the rest you need and then let the rest work itself out. You’ve gotta take care of you first so you will be able to be your best. 🙂
Wow thank for much am so excited to have meet someone as nice as you, someone with a great personality thanks for much I pray for you too that everything works out for you.
Thanks for your advice I’ll definitely put them into practice.
Wowza!!! Very nicely made earrings!! Great job @crosheille!!
Thanks so much! 😃
It's cute @crosheille... may i have one pair of it? :)
Thanks Devy! I'm glad you like them. You won't need a pair from me...you've been doing so good with learning to crochet you can make a pair yourself in no time! 😄😆🤗
You're welcome :) glad to hear that @crosheille. Going to make earrings to some day i would like to try amirugumi first, wish me luck!
I know you can do it! 😃
Thanks for your support💕🥰
Wow, this is unique among the ones I have seen. You are truly skillful in all your needlework doings and I keep learning from you boss. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks @apunawu! I always appreciate your comments. 😉
This is really nice and beautiful, I really appreciate every part of it.
Thanks a bunch @emeka4 ~
Simply beautiful! How small of a hook did you have to use for these, the stitches look so tiny.
I think you could totally rock these in the grocery store!
Thank you! 😊
I used a 1.3mm hook. I tried using a 3.0mm at first lol. Yes, the stitches are so tiny. I’ve never done anything this small so it was quite exhilarating!
Hahaha thanks. I normally grocery shop in sweats lol. 😆
That is tiny. I do think in crochet and knitting both the smaller the tools and yarn, the fancier and more professional the finished project.
I totally agree! Now I’m interested in trying other tiny projects. 😁
Yes, you are right,these earrings are too fancy to go for groceries.
They are simple and beautiful. I love the color you used.
Congratulations for your first earrings and let's enjoy the contest.
Thanks so much Katty! Yes I always grocery shop comfortably and not fancy. 😄
They look lovely - so elegant. I like the simplicity of them, although I also like your idea on not using the hoops. Look forward to seeing those, too 😍
Thank you Shani! Lately I've been really into more simple things and enjoying the beauty of them. I'm glad you like them too. 😃
I’m already gathering ideas for the next pair! 😁
wow! your baby is 3 years old! how quickly time flies! I remember when you just gave birth to her. it's so cool that she's interested in creative processes and she's so considerate of others. the earrings are great! 😀👍
I know Tali! She's grown so fast. I have really enjoyed our girly girl times. My eldest daughter who just turned 12 is currently in her tomboy stage and shows little interest in crafts right now. So it's pretty nice having my 3 year old actually watching and asking questions. 😊
Yay I’m glad you like the earrings! Thank you ~
THe earrings turned out so lovely and I like the idea of adding a fringe with crochet. May I ask how you made it? Simply a loop like for a tassel or do you have a more secure method (I am knitting a shawl which will get tassels and I always fear they will get loose and fall out)
Hope you get a bit of spare time for yourself to relax <3
Thanks Simone! 😃
So I added the fringe just like I would do to the end of a scare. Put the hook through a stitch and then grab the fringe (the fringe is folded in half and you grab the loop part of it). Pull it to the other side then wrap the ends around the hooks (with the first part still on the hook) and then pull through to secure the fringe.
I hope that made sense.
Thankfully I have a few days of down time to rest ~ 😊❤️
Hopefully I remember this when my shawl is finished :-D I love the tassels and absolutely want to make some. Thank you for explaining <3
You’re welcome. If you don’t remember just ask me again ;)
They're so beautiful 😍😍, They scream vacation!. It will look very stunning on a beach wear with sunglasses.
Thank you!!! Oh yeah! I could definitely rock these on the beach!! 😍😁
You're very welcome 😊
Hi @crosheille what beautiful and delicate rings, I loved them, they look very delicate and light weight.😉
Hola @crosheille que hermosas y delicadas argollas, me encantaron, se ven muy delicadas y ligeras de peso.
Thank you @yosoyada! 😃
Preciosos amigaaa! 👏👏
Thanks so much ~ 💓
A beautiful job. Very fine and delicate. I loved it.
Yay I'm so glad you did! Thank you ~ ❤️😍
Simply beautiful, thank you for sharing
It was a pleasure. Thank you ~ ☺️
This is so beautiful. You have made it simple but lovely.
Thanks @racn! I love simple beauty ~ ☺️
Beautiful work, it's amazing 🤗
I really appreciate your comment! Thanks so much ~ 😘
They're cute! Have you seen my yellow earrings too?
Thank you!
Hello 🙋
I'm glad your three year old is interested in this kind of art, crafts and crochet jewelry is beautiful and will never go out of style.
Very cute creatures, especially the color. congratulations 🥳!
I'm so glad she's interested too! Thanks a bunch ~ 💓
Behold the final stage of the earring🤗 It is indeed too beautiful for a grocery shopping 🤩🤩
Your daughter, I love the fact that she pays attention to this project and asks questions too. It's no doubt she will take after you on this amazing skill.
Great job you did here mummy🧡
Send my warm hugs to your daughter 🤗
Lol! Yay they're finished!
I think she will really enjoy crafting too. Thanks so much I will ~ 😉🤗
Hey Crosheille
These are so gorgeous, I love the shade of pink you used (I would actually wear these and I don't do pink very often so it says a lot about how much I love them), I really commend you on doing such small stitchwork, I think it would intimidate me lol. Wishing you all the luck to get the other sets done in time, if I find hoops I'll totally buy them to make some of these, Lory thinks they are gorgeous too, so will have to make her a set as well.
Thank you for the inspiration
Oh wow that's so cool you would even wear these pink ones. Thanks so much for this comment it's very encouraging. If you make some please share with us I would love to see them. Oh nice, please tell Lory I'm glad she liked them too! 😃
Oh what a glam, congrats, so lovely.
Thanks lady! 😘
The earrings are beautiful and elegant, I'm sure your mother-in-law and sisters will be happy with them, of course I hope you have the time to finish them on time.
Your daughter will follow in your footsteps, she is very attentive and detail oriented, she quickly noticed that you did not have the earrings on.
You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.
Thanks @tibaire! I sure hope I have enough time too. I think they would really enjoy these.
Yes, my daughter pays attention to every detail. She really amazes me ~ 😊
😊 😍
I love these earrings, the weave pattern I like, like a very pretty chain. A high bun look and these earrings would look great
Thank you! Oooh yes I can see these worn with a high bun too! 😍