Ciao, vi seguivo su steemit e, dopo aver interrotto ogni tipo di collaborazione fino ad ora, mi sono finalmente decisa a ricominciare. Lavoro prevalentemente con l'uncinetto, ma scrivo solo in italiano.
Mi piacciono tanto i vostri lavori e vorrei far parte della comunità, ma ho grossa difficoltà a scrivere in inglese senza usare un traduttore. Posso comunque chiedervi di poter comunque scrivere con voi in italiano?
Google traslate
Hi, I was following you on steemit and, after interrupting any kind of collaboration so far, I finally decided to start over. I work mainly with crochet, but I only write in Italian.
I really like your work and I would like to be part of the community, but I have great difficulty writing in English without using a translator. Can I still ask you to be able to write with you in Italian anyway?
Thank you.
Hi @coccodema! Thanks for your question.
We ask that there always be a translation in English if you have a different native tongue. Are you able to use a translator after you have written in Italian? So basically copy and paste your work into an English translator as you have done your comment above?
It makes it easier for others to support you if your words are translated.