My Crochet "ERA"

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year

Have you guys ever tried being so bored to the point where you end up randomly learning a new skill? To answer that question myself, I actually have. That was one of the main reasons why I started crocheting.

I was stuck inside my house with a pandemic trapping me inside. I was at the epitome of boredom and didn't want to drown myself in indescribable sadness. At the same time, I didn't wish to stare at my phone 24/7, so I picked up the hobby. I spent the little money I had on yarn and a couple of crochet hooks. Little did I know that a few hooks and yarns would change my life forever.


I started with making small things and eventually moved to making amigurumi, in other words: stuffed toys. I started making those because my friends wanted me to make them some stuffed toys hehe.

I love making things for my loved ones, and so I gave my crocheted work as gifts to them. But some even wanted to pay me for my work. I was a little hesitant at first, to be honest, crocheting is one of the things that I am so passionate about to the point where I didn't see the need for me to get paid. They (my friends and family) urged me to just try it. And so I did.


The first thing I ever sold was this Luffy amigurumi. I was quite nervous about selling it, to be honest, I felt like I was doing something wrong or something huhu. But it was done and I got paid hehe. I've been selling some of my crocheted work ever since. It's only known to a few people that I sell my work cause I honestly don't want it to become an official business yet.

Plus, I love being passionate about something without being paid for it. I love the fact that I find a craft so precious to the point where money can't even change my mind.


Anyway, onto my crochet creations, we go! I'm quite proud of this creation, it is none other than KIRBY! Look how adorable that little guy is. I was so happy about that one because it was my first time making an amigurumi with eyes that are made out of felt. I didn't think that it would work, I thought that the eyes would just fall out. A former classmate of mine bought this as a gift for his friend. To say that he was happy about the gift is an understatement, he was so ecstatic when he saw how good Kirby turned out. He also thanked me profusely.


Another notable crochet creation I made is my very first bouquet. It was a gift for a friend of mine, my seatmate who lovesss receiving crocheted stuff hehe. A few weeks before her birthday, she sent the a group chat picture and told us that she wanted it (a small crochet bouquet) for her birthday. After that suggestion, I followed through with it, anything for the "prencess" of our group!


One thing I love about crochet is that it always gives me something new to learn! Just this January, I learned how to make granny squares with the commission that a client has given me. They hit me up, sent a picture of what they wanted me to make, and said that they wanted to buy something like that from me. The picture they sent was an airpod holder. It was quite fun to make because I've never had the space to learn to make granny squares, but that dear client of mine helped me explore.


Lastly, my unfinished projects. My unfinished projects are usually things that I make for myself. The things I like to make for myself are a little bit difficult to finish, not because they're difficult to do, but because I run out of motivation to finish them. Regardless, I still love making stuff for myself.

The reason why I love giving my crochet creations is that I love seeing people be happy with something I made. It fills me with a sense of happiness and really boosts my self-confidence.

Hey guys, thank you for reading my blog about crocheting! I hope that you guys are having a blessed Sunday! See you guys in the next one.


I started learning amigurumi a few years ago but I've never sold anything, I doubt anyone would want to buy my stuff!! But I have made some toys for children in the family and they seem to like it, so that makes me very happy, like it does for you.

Thank you @livinguktaiwan, I'm sure that your amigurumi work is wonderful. It just takes a little bit of courage to put yourself out there when you start selling your work! You're doing well!

You have some amazing works here. I love the flower one in particular. It's very creative.

I absolutely love the bouquet and I like it that you did it for someone who loves receiving crochet gifts.
Those people value crochet and know the value
And you’re right, I also love crochet because it gives me the opportunity to learn new things all the time.

Thank you @abenad! I'm quite glad that you love the bouquet! I'm quite grateful to have people who I can share my talents and creations too.

You’re welcome

WOW!! Such amazing talent!
I hope when I get bored, I'd also discover a hidden talent like you 😅
I super like amigurumis!

It took a little bit of back and forth in my mind for me to just start crocheting hehe. But here I am and I'm quite happy with my hobby 😊

This is really a cool habit or skills. I mean, making stuffs from scratch and designing it is really challenging but at the same time fun, no? Although wala akong experience with it but I can tell that much. Especially more and more people was being drawn into the crochet world.

Of course, it can be really challenging po. However, I never really feel myself getting tired when I crochet. Whether it's a small or big project, I always have a big smile after finishing a proj hehehe. Thank you for reading my blog btw @ruffatotmeee!

Wow!!! What a beautiful work.i also want to learn that one.

You should! It's a beautiful craft to lear. It can be a little difficult at first, but the results are always worth it hehe

You have some great works. The bouquet is quite lovely and your seatmate is special. I love people that value crochet stuff.

Thank you @blezyn, I'm really glad that you love my crochet work! I'm quite lucky to have friends and family that I can give my creations to 🤞🎀

You are so gifted @alme keep it up 🥰.

Thank you @richdreamer hehe 😊😊😊

Hey, they're cute! All I can say is...


owo indeed! hehe thank you @elsieyaaa 🤞

Omg! I’ve recently interested with making crochet stuffs as well. You have an amazing works, it is very creative. Thank you so much for sharing your crochet journey @alme