Manastir Manasija, Resavska pećina, Nacionalni park Lisine ( vodopad Buk)..Manasija Monastery, Resava Cave, Lisine National Park (Buk waterfall)...

in WE ARE MOVING7 months ago (edited)

Odmor od tri dana prepun aktivnosti. Zelenilo, vodopad, izvori i pećine...
Priroda je naš saveznik, hvala joj...
Dakle, odseli smo u divnom odmaralištu okruženom brezama...

A three-day vacation full of activities. Greenery, waterfall, springs and caves...
Nature is our ally, thank you...
So we stayed at a lovely resort surrounded by birch trees...


Apartman kao iz bajke. Prekriven krovom savršeno udoban i komforan.

Apartment like from a fairy tale. Covered with a roof perfectly cozy and comfortable.



Imali smo dva i po dana za obilazak najlepših prirodnih spomenika..
Prvi obilazak je Manastir Manasija 💒
Manastir iz 15 veka...
Deca su uživala kao i mi...

We had two and a half days to visit the most beautiful natural monuments.
The first tour is the Manasija Monastery 💒
A monastery from the 15th century...
The kids enjoyed it as much as we did...




Put smo nastavili ka Resavskoj pećini. Čudo prirode staro 80 miliona godina..
Stalaktiti I prirodne skulpture...

We continued our journey towards the Resava Cave. An 80 million year old natural wonder..
Stalactites and natural sculptures...


Temperatura u pećini je samo 7 stepeni. Uvek je ista. I zimi i leti. Morali smo toplo da se obučemo iako je napolju 34 stepena.

The temperature in the cave is only 7 degrees. It's always the same. Both in winter and summer. We had to dress warmly even though it was 34 degrees outside.




Nakon Resavske pećine, otišli smo na vodopad Buk. Kako izgleda? Pa, pogledajte...

After the Resava cave, we went to the Buk waterfall. What does it look like? Well, take a look...


Planirala sam da se okupam ali voda je bila ledena! 🥶
Odlučili smo samo da uživamo u pogledu i divimo se njegovoj lepoti. Zvuk je bio opuštajući i ozdravljujuć...

I planned to take a bath but the water was freezing!
We decided to just enjoy the view and admire its beauty. The sound was relaxing and healing...




U povratku smo medjusibno razmenili fotografije. Sve fotografije su imale nešto zajedničko. Svi smo imali osmeh na licu zadovoljni avanturom prirodnih lepota Srbije...💚🌳🌿🌊☀️🌄
Svima želim sličan provod u "divljini" ne znajući za krajnji ishod..
Pozdrav svim Hajverima...👋🌼

On the way back, we exchanged photos. All the photos had something in common. We all had a smile on our faces, satisfied with the adventure of the natural beauties of Serbia...💚🌳🌿🌊☀️🌄
I wish everyone a similar time in the "wilderness" without knowing the final outcome.
Greetings to all Hivers...👋🌼

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolan


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