Share Our World: Pulpit Rock Hike

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago

What is 1,982 ft (604m) above Lysefjord?
Pulpit Rock! or Preikstolen in Norwegian

Who is that standing on the ledge of Pulpit Rock in this picture?
@jarvie and @sjarvie5

How long did it take us get to the top?
3 hours

Was it hard?

Where it Pulpit Rock?
It is about an hour east of Stavanger, Norway overlooking Lysefjord

from @jarvie's phone

Let me take you on a great hike that ends at Preikstolen or Pulpit Rock.

This is the view before we even got on the trail. Gorgeous!

Both Jodi and I were sick. I seriously considered not going on the hike and resting and having the others come pick me up after the hike. Unfortunately I was not able to stay in the Airbnb, so I went. I am glad I did.

"The trail looks very great." "I can do this."

"What are all these stairs??" "Wait, maybe not!"

I keep telling myself- "I can do this." "Just keep moving."

Scotty passed me and said something about how beautiful the hike was. I gave him a questioning look. I took these pictures below but didn't really see it for the sickness and pain. He said it is not that hard of a hike. It felt hard to me. I would like to do it again when I am not so sick. I am sure I would really enjoy it.

I remember this cause it was a wonderfully flat bridge.

Here is Jodi taking a picture of the half way mark and a selfie of us celebrating we made it this far.

More stairs. Remember we have to get to 1,982 ft (604m) that will require a lot of climbing.

It is really beautiful. I like hiking in the mountains.

Here I am 2.5 hours into the hike. Not too bad. "I can make it." "I am so close."

My fist view of Pulpit Rock. I am afraid of height's and just seeing people on the ledge makes me uncomfortable and my legs tremble.

With all the people on the rock we decided to rest on a different rock with this view.

The night before @jarvie's friend gave us some traditional Norwegian snacks for hiking and told use to eat them at the top of the mountain.

Of course we had to get some shots at the top with Lysefjord in the background.

Then we got brave and got pictures on the rock.

Sara and Scott, with Scott's phoneJodi doing VrksasanaKimberly, with Scott's phone

The hike down.

After the adrenaline rush of standing on the ledge and the rest I had a much better hike down.

I even noticed some carins and T's on the rocks that were marking the path.

Yay another flat area. :)

The other interesting thing about the path was the marks in the stone showing how they brought these vary heavy rocks up this mountain to make the path. Wow.

Kimberly and Scott were so far ahead of Jodi and I that we got a self at the end together.

We did it. It took us just under 6 hours. 9:30 to 15:15. I would definitely do it again. Even as sick as I was I look at these pictures with fond memories.

Hiking to Preikestolen

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This is absolutely fantastic! Very cool pictures, and views! You look so happy, and your smile reminds me how much I miss mountain hikes. Although I am a weak link too, LOL.

Well done, Sarah!


Hi @zirochka Thanks so much. It was wonderful. Mountains are the best!

Absolutely! 😄

Incredible and unique place. Though I can't but wonder, how many tourists have fallen to their death from this rock?

I don't know. I just looked it up and it doesn't seem like much.

😄love your response Sara!!!

It was strange. All I could find was a double suicide. I didn't see any accidental deaths. I do hear about more at the Grand Canyon for sure.

That's incredible looking. Totally worth the 6 hours I'd say. That view looks spectacular from up there

Yes, it was incredible. It would only be 4 hours if you felt good.

We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

That is so great, Thanks so much!

Nothing that awesome will be easy achievable! that view from the top is just stunning! but all the trail until there was really pretty too!

Agreed! The trail was very beautiful and the end was so stunning it was really amazing. I am working on a post to answer your question about the formatting. :)

Just looking at your photos make my heart drop, you're standing so near the edge!!!! It's a pity that you weren't feeling well that day, but despite that, you still did really well!!

It looks closer than it actually is. We were safe! :)

The picture is really beautiful, I look and are interested, especially the high area where you say that the legs are shaking.

Thank you very much @ahleap

Marvellous photos - I too would feel a bit shaky on top of that pulpit-rock.



Posted via Veews

Hi @hirohurl thanks. It was a little shaky. It think it was scarier looking at it then being on it.

@sjarvie5! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (1/10)

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Too beautiful. The view makes me speech less. 😁👍

Hi @bluepark Thanks. It was incredible.

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I am a little late in my reply... thank you so much!

I was awed by the 1st photo 😱😱.. Those who have fear of heights won't definitely go there.. But I would love too 🥰

Hi @jane1289 thanks for your comment! I am glad you like heights!

Woohoo, Pulpit Rock! So great to see this famous place through your fun photos here. I haven't visited it yet and look forward to doing that one day. :)

Hi Donica! With all the traveling you do I am sure you will get to Pulpit Rock someday!

That's incredible! Wow! 🤩🤩🤩

I know, right??? Wow!

Simply breathtaking! Both literally and figuratively.

The cliff like a nice place leap off and dive into the lake below 😁

Thanks for sharing this amazing place!!

Hi @jasblogging it was breathtaking not one that you can jump off. It is 1,982 ft (604m) high.

1982!! Wow!! Won't be breathing after jumping off!! haha

Lovely hike! I absolutely love those massive flat rocks , they seems to be common in Scandinavia. Also spectacular views. Thanks for sharing @sjarvie5 :D

Hi @marilandia, thanks for your comment. It was really cool to see and stand on Pulpit rock. The views worth worth the hike up!