Lightning storm in east Texas- with 3 videos

in WE ARE MOVING5 months ago (edited)

In April I went to Texas for the Solar Eclipse. Leading up to the eclipse we were watching the weather closely and hoping the storm would happen before or after the eclipse.

The timing was great. The eclipse happened and we had some good weather and and went to see the stained glass in the Prayer Tower. That night after dinner and during games there was a great lightening storm. Being from Arizona I don't see those much. It was great!

Here's the picture I referenced in the video. Ha ha, not the best.

At a Jarvie reunion there will always be tacos and games. This time the game was a fun one called Night of the Ninja, courtesy @jarvie

Me and my niece, Jenny on the back porch watching the storm. She is the one that is telling the types of lightening in this video.

Hope you enjoyed a little weather and nature in east Texas in the spring! I sure did.


You're brave to watch the lightning storm and use electronics. When we see lightning, we immediately turn our phone into airplane mode for safety. Is it safe there?

So here in our city we have the same weather and it's very dark and it's a fact that whenever friends get together like this and cook together, the time passes very well.

Hehehe you guys were really patient to capture the moment and your voice is nice by the way😃

It’s been a minute @sjarvie5 hope you’re doing good🙂

Hi Tammy. Yes, I was posting less frequently when I was in school. I am doing really good. Hope you are too.

Oh glad to know you’re doing fine, I am doing fine too