Fotografiando está bella polilla

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

saludos mis estimados amigos de. hive el dia de hoy quisiera compartir con ustedes una hermosa mariposa donde se puede apreciar en sus alas unos ojos de Gato ,vino a posar en el mueble de mi casa y pues no dude ni un segundo en fotografiarla.

Greetings my dear friends. hive today I would like to share with you a beautiful butterfly where you can see cat's eyes on its wings, it came to pose on the furniture of my house and then do not hesitate for a second to photograph it.







les voy a comentarle un poco , primero que nada quiero que sepan que Es primeea vez que veo una mariposa asi, con coloes de madera y a la vez un color brilloso naranja, como no se mucho de ella me puse a indagar un poco en mi navegador y pude investigar que es una polilla concida como Automeris io . segun las. características y la. pequeña investigación que hice para. asi saber algo minimo de ella es un ejemplar hermbra.

I am going to tell you a little, first of all I want you to know that it is the first time that I see a butterfly like this, with wooden colors and at the same time a bright orange color, since I do not know much about it I began to investigate a little in my browser and I was able to investigate that it is a moth known as Automeris io. according to. features and the. little research I did for. so knowing something minimal about her is a hermbra specimen.


Cuanto trate de moverme la mariposa abrio sus alas poco a poco y fue alli donde me enamore y a la vez quede impactado de sus heemosas alas por los flamantes ojos que estaban en ella, unos ojos grandes redondos resaltantes y en ellos estan un brillo blanco el que hacia parecer real a unos ojos.

When I tried to move, the butterfly opened its wings little by little and it was there that I fell in love and at the same time I was shocked by its beautiful wings because of the brand new eyes that were in it, some large round eyes that stood out and in them there is a white shine that made it seem real to some eyes.

Bueno amigos espero sea de su agrado mi post bendiciones gracias por leer y ver mi post

Well friends I hope you like my post blessings thanks for reading and seeing my post


If you want to receive votes from our DNA team, I invite you to create scientific content identifying the species photographed and using bibliographic sources!

Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal
