Dragonfly Photography

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

Good Day Hivers!

One of my favourite times of year is when the dragonflies arrive in my garden. They not only look fabulous but eat a great number of pesky flies and mosquitoes.

If you have never taken a photo of one you should really have a go. It is surprising how not camera shy they are. They watch me intensely as I close in with my lens.

Don't be put off if they fly from their perch. Wait...... they almost always return to the same spot or another very close by. Which makes photo shoots easier than you would think.

Go out and spend time in nature any chance you get. It is always healing, always frees your mind, if only for a while. It is our greatest gift, I am eternally grateful for 🙏









Until the next time, Stay healthy, stay free and share love and light.


These photos are truly UNREAL Sally!! Wow!! Such detail... what a cool creature. Their eyes! So cool :) I wonder what their vision is like!:)

Interesting dragonfly shot, I've never met that last dragonfly in person, hopefully one day I can find one.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

Yes, I hope I can find it.

Nice photos. I haven’t seen dragonflies for ages. I used to see hundreds of these in the fields as a kid. I’m afraid people used too much pesticide.

Oh dear that is so sad to hear. If only there was there was more common sense in this world. Happy Saturday my friend, give Kwan a snuggle from me.

I think most people are losing their common sense out of fear and greed. There seem to be more excessive rainfall everywhere, especially on agricultural lands!

I would cuddled Kwan for your next week when I got back to the countryside. I do miss my orange cat a lot.

I am sure Kwan misses you too. Stay safe and well.

Excellent photos of one of my favorite creatures!

Thanks @papa-pepper, yes one of my favourites too. A real beautiful ally in the garden.