A paradise of pink flowers in Japan

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago


Hello I am RYO!

I went to see Shiba-zakura in April!


This is not a park or a tourist attraction, it's an ordinary person's garden! Awesome!!😲



One older man manages all of this! amazing!!




They come in a variety of colors, but these are all Shiba-zakura! They bloom in April and May!


Oh cute! It's a Heart!♥️⬇️




Hahaha She is famous Japanese animation! Sazae-san!⬇️


And great! Mt. Fuji!!⬇️


Perhaps if I'd come a little later, it would have been in perfect full bloom😃



beautiful so much😍





A lucky Kanji character in Japan, it means "long life"⬇️


Oh hahaha, everyone knows him🐭⬇️



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I have heard that Japanese flowers are famous. Likewise a tree, I think its name is Sakura, which is the cherry tree.

Yes! your right! It means "cherry blossoms on the lawn"!👍
Thank you so much!🙌

Wonderful photos! I've not yet traveled to anywhere that has tons of shibazakura like that, I just see them around the neighborhood from time to time (sure as the ones I posted about here). Beautiful flowers!

Oh great!! your Shiba-zakura photo are beautiful!!
They are flowers imported to Japan from America!👍
Thank you so much!😎

Oh I see. They are originally from the States—I didn't know that. Very interesting. Well they are such lovely flowers. Japan is a paradise in Spring with so many lovely flowers.


Yes! They came to Japan from the America and later some new varieties were born in Japan!
Your right! There are so many spring flowers in Japan! I will keep posting them!😀

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Can't believe what my eyes was seeing, a person's garden which look like a garden in heaven. This is awesome

The gardener manages all this by him alone…really awesome!!
Thank you so much!👍

I wish I can also build up this

Amazing post flower gurden. Sir

Thank you so much!🙌👍

Your wellcome friend

Impresionante 🤩 y tiene mi paleta de colores preferida. Me encanta, espero algún día poder ir. Saludos desde Venezuela 🇻🇪

Gracias amigos venezolanos!
Estas maravillosas flores florecerán a partir de mediados de abril! Bienvenido👍

How lovely! all that pink :D I've never visited Japan, but always wanted to. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah! These flowers start blooming in mid-April! welcome Japan!
Thank you so much!😀

Even when this garden isn't in full bloom... Magical.

Yeah, your right! absolutely amazing!!
Thank you so much!😀

I just want to lay here all day and listen to nice music

yes.....its a wonderful garden and i also feeling good after see this garden.

Yes, Im happy after see this!
Thank you so much!🙌

Man, that personal garden was so clean and beautiful to look at. Imagine the parks you guys have there, it must be breathtaking! Hope to visit there in the near future! Also, awesome pictures. Keep it up!

Yeah! I want more people to see the beauty of this place!
I will keeping my work! Thank you so much!👍

ya. Seems like paradise in the earth. wow.

Yeah! Thank you for comment!👍

The person who keep this garden must have a lot of work, is amazing the forms and images he can do with flowers (i have never seen something like that) he probably loves so much it's garden :) that heart is wonderful, if i was his wife i would ask him to dedicate such a msgnific heart for me 😆
Thank you so much for sharing! 🥰 So lovely post like always

He has been maintaining this garden for probably over a decade! He does not take any money from the people who visit there, but opens his garden to all for free😲
He's a great guy doing a great job!
Thank you for always, my friend!🤗👍