Qurator's Photo Quest - cucumbers?!

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)

This post goes for Qurator's Photo Quest. This week prompt was: "Cucumbers" - and before that there already was a quest for Pickled Cucumbers in the poetry. Thats bizarre and makes me think, someone in Q team became obsessed with cucumbers.. or even become crazy about them. I cant imagine or predict the shape of this obsession. Probably, there will be more quests to feed up this healthy passion. I feel it necessary to take this moment to make a public statement: I have nothing against cucumbers, on the contrary! I love cucumbers in any form (except of dried), I have always loved cucumbers and always will! Especially I love pickled cucumbers, in a situation when there is a bottle of vodka on the table...

Пользуясь моментом, считаю необходимым сделать публичное заявление: я не имею ничего против огурцов, даже наоборот! Я люблю огурцы в любом виде (кроме вяленого и сушеного), всегда любил огурцы и буду любить! Особенно я буду любить соленые и маринованные огурцы, когда на столе стоит бутылка водки...


location: St.Petersburg, Russia July 2020 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 350D Tamron 60mm raw-conv
f/8 t 1/125 ISO 800 ---


Actually, I am not proud with these pictures too much. In the summer my 5D camera was broken and I had to use 350D - a cropped camera with a tiny viewfinder, and... ok, ok: lets say it has less capabilities, and thats it. My neightbour has a greenery for tomatoes and cucumbers, and now I feel especially grateful, cause now I have something to provide for the contest, at all!

I visited her greenhouse only once. Well, I enjoyed that experience - but the camera did not!! The hazy over-moistured misty atmosphere was absolutely not the best option for taking macros (what I was after). But I managed to take a few shots, starting from tomatoes (here is a secret information: tomatoes I prefer more then cucumbers. I hope it will not cast a shade on my contest participance?..)


So, it all was very intresting, but the camera wasnt about to focus properly on the objects. I could not see well in the viewfinder (350D cam has a tiny one) - and without any manual options, it didnt work either. For example, there were tiny snails there, I took one shot, blindly, and decided to skip it. I thought maybe I will come later, having the morning sun lighting - but it never happened, heh. And I left with those pictures that I forgot on the CF card inside of 350D camera.


Эта удивительная макрокомпозиция - инструмент, который природа изобрела и дала многим растениям, в том числе и огурцу. Да, огурец имеет руки-хваталки, и не две, а гораздо больше. Они цепко хватаются за все что поблизости и помогают ему держаться ближе к солнцу.
This amazing macro-composition, this spiralled 'antenna' is a tool that nature invented and gave to many plants, including the cucumber. Yes, the cucumber has grabbing arms, and not just two, but many more. They tenaciously grasp everything nearby and help it stay close to the sun.



A tiny newborn cucumber is a very touchy sight! Cucumbers arent very useful, as they consist 90% from water - so, there is no harm in consuming too much cucumbers, either.

Крошечный новорожденный огурец - это очень трогательное зрелище! Огурцы не слишком питательны, так как на 90% состоят из воды - ноименно поэтому и особого вреда от их чрезмерного употребления тоже нет.


I took only six photos of cucumbers in the greenhouse - they are all in this post. Again, I'm not particularly happy with them. The topic is still awaiting to be explored again!

Я сделал в парнике всего шесть фото с огурцами - все они в этом посте. Повторю, что я не особенно ими доволен. Тема ждет своего исследования еще раз!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 56 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Looks like the cucumber seduced me. 😉😉😉

hahaha! unexpected but good consequence! 🤗

No doubt. That's amazing. 😍

You have some pretty cool photos of cucumbers very nice close ups, good luck in the contest 👍

Grazie Mille!

Prego !!!! 😊