Spring is officially here and we have been having some glorious days after a fairly severe winter. I feel my energy rising and, like so many other creatures, I feel like I'm awakening after the winter hibernation!
With the Spring Equinox we have equal length of day and night - 12 hours of each and I so appreciate the longer daylight and being able to spend more time outside enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Sun and Moon Shining Equally Through the Pine Tree
There is a definite difference in the amount of the heat the sun is generating and it is very much obvious for us as in the winter the sun, even when it as up, was sitting behind the trees so we never got the full force of the sun. Now it is above the tree line and we're feeling more of it's power and it's heat is finally starting to melt some of the snow we got.
Sun Rising Above the Tree Line Blue Filter Captures the Rings Around It
The birds are becoming more active with many beginning to partner up for the mating season.
Bird in Flight Looking Like It's Flying to the Sun
Flock of Birds Fly in to Sit on Bare Tree Branches
The first true sign of Spring for me is when I saw a goose returning. I really felt for that guy for he came soon after we had had some very cold weather and the melt hadn't really started yet so everything was covered with snow. Luckily he came just as the weather changed so he wouldn't have the cold to contend with . It was a lone goose but a couple of days later I seen a flock and heard many more - so they are back!
First Goose Returning in the Spring Migration
The first bits of green were starting to show with the snow pulling away exposing the moss below.
Moss on Roof Starting to Show as Snow Melts Away
Moss Showing Beneath Snow on Roots of Uprooted Tree
JJ has been enjoying this warmer weather too spending a lot more time outside. Here he found an open deck chair that the snow had melted off of.
JJ Smelling the Fresh Spring Air
The fence railing is now free of snow so JJ has been checking things out from there.
JJ Smelling Newly Exposed Tree Branch
JJ is always on the look out for bare patches of ground where he can get out of the snow. Here he found a spot in the sun so he could do some sun bathing.
JJ on One of the Few Bare Spots of Ground
Happy Spring to all in the Northern Hemisphere - I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am!
Big shout out to @ace108 for running the Beautiful Sunday tag every week supporting the accounts. Also to @c0ff33a for the Sublime Sunday tag for your random Sunday posts!
The photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.

I just came out of hibernation also. Spring started for me though when I saw the plum blossoms. I hardly hear any birds tho. Hopefully, by next week this will change. Wonderful pics by the way.
Spring is such a marvelous season with everything coming alive and birds returning - hopefully soon to your area. I'm glad you enjoyed my Spring post!
I heard some this morning. It was beautiful.
I haven't seen the huge flocks of geese like I usually do. Just tiny ones of 2 or 3 birds, all heading north. Glad JJ has places to keep his feet out of the snow. :))
omgg such a cute cat o: I wanna pet it
I guess the cat doesn't like the spots where the snow are covering.