Waiting for the rains.

We popped down to have a look at the river.

An old giant tree has fallen waiting for the big rain to wash it down the river.

It is always amazing to come here after a big storm to see how mighty this river has become. In the past years it used to flood the town lower down, as we were up here near the mountains. But over time the town engineers have successfully installed storm water channels that lead the river into the ocean.
For now it is a calm river and let's have a look at some sights.

This is my favorite view as that tree signals the split in the river to the left and the right.

A footpath leads one along the river passing through dense tree spots.
Always keep an eye above for snakes in the branches.



Drat! The sunbird stopped singing when I snapped him.

Finally this Fiscal Shrike kept an eye on us as we left.

Just to be out there in nature is a great pleasure for us, as it is so different from the world that we have created around us. I see nature as a place that shows me how life was supposed to be. Instead we built concrete jungles called cities and we entrapped ourselves between plastered walls.
Our mechanical noises has replaced the birdsong and technology has entrapped us.
Freedom is to be out there far away from the busy hubris of what we call life and to breathe the fresh air in the arms of Mother nature.
Just my way of looking at things.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Canon: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


What a beautiful place to wander! How are you @papilloncharity?

Thank you and I am the wandering type, as nature keeps me wondering 🤣
I am fine and hope that you guys are also well?


Funny! There's actually a song that has the words "I wander as I wonder...."

Well we're also waiting for rain. But it is far more evasive over here sadly. Enjoying the cooler weather .... wait, what am I saying; we're having a heat wave again. Duvets on. Duvets off. Duvets on....

Hope it will rain as quick as you wish. I haven’t heard the sound of birds singing for a long time, wish to hear that soon. I really miss, it’s bring me a good feeling with nature and fun too.💖

Thank you and yes we keep on praying for rain.
Birdsong is irreplaceable and a great wonder to listen to. Hope that you will soon also hear it again.

Birdsong is, indeed, the true song of life. Nature has a way of uplifting the spirit, isn’t it marvelous ❤️🤗💕

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The past week has made me realize how powerful and cruel nature can be, yet it can also be kind and gentle, when I hear the birds sing after the storm and how happy they sound, then I realize how necessary nature is and why she behaves the way she does. Thank you for sharing a wonderful post.

If only we will all start to treat nature with the respect that it deserves then things can get so much better my friend. But we are litter bugs, we keep on pumping toxic gasses into the atmosphere, we destroy forests and wetlands, we drop mountains of plastic into the oceans, we defile the rivers and I can go on and on. Why then do we cry when nature gets angry?

I am glad that you know the value of nature and it is also very close to my heart.
My pleasure always to share.


Thank you @papilloncharity you are so right, we do need to respect nature more, she's getting tired of it all I think. We shouldn't complain when she gets angry. Have a great day and stay safe.

Totally agreed my friend and may you also have a great day tomorrow.
I am late as we just came out of a 3 hour power cut.



Who would ever think that such a calm and peaceful river could cause big damages or even kill people?

Why can't they build such channels everywhere or at least where they are needed and make sense?

Lovely post as always, Zac 😊

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

When Mother nature gets angry Hannes, it is better to duck and dive. We have only ourselves to blame for not taking better care of nature.

I saw that some organizations are now taking the government to court for a lack of creating better infrastructure that will prevent the floods.
Lets hope that they would now put some preventative structures in place, as the death count is now over 400.

Thank you and glad that you like the post my fiend.

Cheers and thanks.

I really hope that your government has learned something from these deaths and listens to the organisations. A lot has to be done to protect the people I believe.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

All that we can do is to pray my friend, shocking things taking place here almost every day.
The problem is that it is so easy for the relief money to start disappearing. A real mine field to negotiate.

Cheers and thanks.

Sadly I believe that you are very right 😐

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Wait and we shall see my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

I thnk we can only wait and see, just as you say, Zac 😊

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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Hi @papilloncharity , I'm glad you're better!. I completely agree with you. The photos are beautiful, thank you for sharing.

Thank you and my pleasure to share 😊