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RE: Some photos from my friends.

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

Hi Ranger Andy, nice to see you again.

Yes we've been to Bain's Kloof and in summer we will go and spend weekends there, as Johan and Sandra are our neighbours down here. When they are away at Johan's work in Bain's kloof, they are retarring the entire pass road, then they stay up there in a cottage.
We look after their house when they are gone and when they return home for a weekend at month end, then we will go up to stay in their cottage.

Yes, Sandra will certainly feed all of them as she is like that Lol.

So great how that deluge of water have seemingly broken the back of the drought. Let's hope that the trend will continue the same as it did here when Cape Town almost ran dry.
The weather patterns are rapidly changing and today is our first sunshine day after a solid week of rain.

Yes, Celia was a nasty experience as she pleaded with us to sell up in Joburg and come down here to her apple farm, as she wanted us to manage a step down clinic for cancer patients that she wanted to build on her farm. But as we arrived here she was in Isreal for treatment of her leukemia and after 6 months she died in Israel. An Iron woman and a great friend.
Thank you for the care.
