Beauty with multiple benefits of The Kunhar River

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

Hey guys, I am here to share some history regarding "The Kunhar River" I am sure, the post will be appreciated and voted too.




A country faces difficult phases with the exception of river since river is not only depicts beauty of a country yet a river becomes the source of income. However, many a country trades through water route and water route starts from river then ships enter the sea.

Images are taken by me

Pakistan is blessed country with multiple rivers and The Kunhar River is one of them. It is pretty beautiful river that is situated in Khyber Pakhatunkhwa. It is clearly counted among the beautiful places of Pakistan, people eagerly visit this river given that it's beautiful scenario.

Residents of That fishing there to earn money even they use its water for daily life. The Kunhar River flows through mountains, its location attracts even people try to swim on its bank.