There are a lot of cherries this year, and after the berries began to pour and begin to ripen, the branches of the trees began to break ...
So my grandfather decided to cut down some branches to relieve the weight of the tree and it didn't crack in half!
We collected berries from cut branches, and these photos show the smallest branches, so you can estimate the scale of the harvest from them)
I hope you enjoyed our harvest! Write how things are with cherries this year in your region.
And now it's time for me to sleep, so I'm going to bed)
Wow.... i'm 100 % sure they are very sweet too 😋👌👌🍷
Yes, these cherries are very juicy and sweet)
Cool :)
That's great, you must have had a good harvest
Really big harvest, part of the berry even had to be thrown away, unfortunately)
What amazing cherries, you know the price of cherries is very expensive here, a kilo of cherries like that can reach 20-50 dollar, I rarely eat cherries unless I buy a birthday cake, cherries are very rare and export quality fruit.
And we have a lot of cherries! In the city, it can cost about a dollar a kilogram, but in the suburbs, people give it away for free, so long as it does not rot and have to be thrown away ...