On the edge of the forest. Autumn moments

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)


Hello, community. I haven't written here for a long time. Although beautiful nature surrounds me constantly! Let me remind you that I live in a wonderful place where there is little civilization. Autumn for me always comes unexpectedly. I stand in the middle of a garden or a forest and think: oh, where did I end up? I was ill for several days. And finally I found the strength to walk in my favorite forest and take some photos. One small detail:) The day is already quite short. So while I came out... The sun gave me a little warmth and set behind the woods. There was a coolness. But I was happy. I dream to go again:)Привіт, спільното. Давненько я сюди не писала. Хоча прекрасна природа оточує мене постійно! Нагадаю, що я живу у чудесному місці, де мало цивілізації. Осінь для мене завжди настає несподівано. Я стою посеред саду чи лісу і думаю: ой, куди я потрапила? Кілька днів я хворіла. І ось нарешті знайшла в собі сили, щоб прогулятися до улюбленого лісу і зробити якісь фото. Одна маленька деталь:) День вже доволі короткий. Тому поки я вийшла... Сонце подарувало мені трошки тепла і зайшло за ліс. З'явилася прохолода. Але я все одно рада. Мрію піти ще:)



Autumn in the beech forest is beautiful. I really like the combination of yellow leaves and gray trunks. However, there is still a lot of green!



However, it is better to go for a walk in the morning or in the afternoon. After all, the evening comes quickly.



I tried to notice some beautiful details. Above you can see Solidago canadensis. Below here's the fruit of the common bush Euonymus europaeus.




For some reason I was struck by the trunk of a dead tree. Apparently it is a beech. Against the background of yellow leaves, it turned out somehow sad and solemn.


This stump reminded me of a skyscraper from a fantasy movie. Probably for hundreds of ants or bark beetles it is. This is their skyscraper!



And another pleasant surprise. On the way home, I noticed such beautiful wild grapes in an abandoned garden.




Thanks for your visit, comments, votes and reblogs! See you in the Amazing nature world:)



Very cool - that looks almost magical! I half expected you capture some type of fae or elemental entity in those photos.

Thank you 💞

Beautiful vegetation...it looks like a wonderful dream.

Thanks for your feedback:)

Nice place. 😍

Thanks for your visit!;)

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