Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society.
We learn by observing others, receiving formal instruction, and reading and exploring on our own. The mere act of living and interacting with others provides experiences that challenge us and encourage us to think, grow, and ask questions.
Students who are inspired by their teachers can accomplish amazing things, and that motivation almost always stays with them. That's because inspiration is one of the most important gifts a teacher can provide students. A teacher that inspires is a role model, an influence that goes far beyond academic achievement.
Nature teaches authenticity by giving you opportunities to be alone with yourself in a truly non-judgemental environment. Most people choose their life goals based on what other people want for them, or what society deems important, rather than what's truly in their heart.
Our natural environment doesn't just teach us about Creation in an academic sense, although it can. It leads us towards an appreciation of God's glory. It can help us nurture the fruits of the spirit. The sense of wonder that nature sparks can inspire personal dedication to God.
Actually i do love to talk more when it comes to nature but this are few words and important keys about nature which we could use to excel in our day to day actives.
This is just copy-pasted aka. plagiarized from a few different sources:
https://dominicancaonline.com/coaching-life-lessons/be-an-inspiring-teacher/ https://nature-mentor.com/nature-lessons/ https://plantwithpurpose.org/ecodiscipleship/
You claim that this is original content from your tag but it is not. Downvoted.