Feliz de estar en esta maravillosa¨AmazingNatureCommunity¨: ¨Amazing Nature¨ ¨Thematic Challenge¨: Un espléndido concurso que nos permite estar en contacto a la naturaleza, mientras buscamos ¨insectos¨ en nuestro¨ jardín¨ y poder compartir un material para acompañar la invitación de nuestro amigo @bucipuci a participar del

Happy to be in this wonderful ¨AmazingNatureCommunity¨: ¨Amazing Nature¨ ¨Thematic Challenge¨: A splendid contest that allows us to be in contact with nature, while we look for ¨insects¨ in our¨ garden¨ and to be able to share a material to accompany the invitation of our friend @bucipuci to participate in the
¨Amazing Nature¨ mientras la visitas te puede suceder cosas extrañas, ¿Te ha pasado caminar por el bosque y presentir que hay alguien observándote? ¡No es solo un presentimiento! De verdad siempre hay alguien que te esta observado; Que no lo veas, no significa que allí no haya alguien viéndote, te sorprenderás toda la vida que hay entre las ¨hojas¨ y ¨ramas¨ de los ¨arboles¨

¨Amazing Nature¨ while you visit it strange things can happen to you, have you ever walked through the forest and sensed that someone was watching you? It's not just a hunch! There is really always someone who is watching you; That you do not see it does not mean that there is not someone there watching you, you will be surprised all the life that exists between the ¨leaves¨ and ¨ branches¨ of the ¨trees¨
¨Este insecto es como una ¨abeja¨ pero más grande, es muy común escuchar que lo llamen ¨abejorro¨ ¨Científicamente¨ se lo conoce como ¨Bombus¨¨pauloensis¨ Su nombre en realidad es ¨abejorro¨ ¨negro¨: . Este insecto es propio de esta zona del mundo, se lo puede ver sobre en las ¨flores¨ ¨polinizando¨ de las ¨plantas¨. Es in insecto hermoso de ver, aunque te recomiendo que no te acerques demasiado, si se siente ¨amenazado¨ se puede defender, y no querrás que este insecto te ¨inyecte¨ su ¨aguja¨, es muy doloroso; Aprecia su belleza en la distancia

¨This insect is like a ¨bee¨ but bigger, it is very common to hear it called ¨bumblebee¨. ¨Ccientifically¨ it is known as ¨Bombus¨¨Pauloensis¨ His name is actually ¨bumblebee ¨ ¨black¨: This insect is typical of this area of the world, it can be seen on the ¨flowers¨ ¨pollinating¨ of the ¨plants¨. It is a beautiful insect to see, although I recommend that you do not get too close, if it feels "threatened" it can defend itself, and you do not want this insect to "inject" its "needle", it is very painful; Appreciate its beauty in the distance
Otro ¨insecto¨ que querrás tenerlo lejos, o mejor no verlo en tu ¨jardín,¨ es este; Que no te engañe es ojos tiernos con el que mira, o esa pose indefensa en la que posa sobre las hojas, este te puede comer una planta en una sola noche; Este insecto se lo conoce como ¨langosta¨. No permitas que este insecto se instale en tu jardín

Another ¨insect¨ that you will want to keep away, or better not see it in your ¨garden, ¨ is this; Do not be fooled by the tender eyes with which he looks, or that defenseless pose in which he poses on the leaves, this can eat you a plant in a single night; This insect is known as "lobster". Do not allow this insect to settle in your garden
Aunque la ¨araña¨ no es un ¨insecto¨, es común verlo en el ¨jardín¨; Muchas personas siente ¨fobias¨ al verlas, sin embargo, estas son inofensivas sin no las atacas, además hacen un buen trabajo en el ¨jardín¨, manteniendo libre de ¨plagas¨

Although the "spider" is not an "insect", it is common to see it in the "garden"; Many people feel ¨phobias¨ when they see them, however, they are harmless if you do not attack them, they also do a good job in the ¨garden¨, keeping them free from ¨plagas¨
Esto no es un insecto, sin embargo, es muy bueno tenerlo en el ¨jardín¨, Esta pequeña ¨lagartija¨ mantendrá el ¨jardín¨ alejados de insectos dañinos para tus plantas

This is not an insect, however, it is very good to have it in the ¨garden¨, This little ¨Lizard¨ will keep the ¨garden¨ away from harmful insects for your plants
Si te sientes atraída por una ¨flor¨ del ¨jardín¨, mira muy bien antes de tocarlas, puede que en ese momento este ocupada por una ¨abeja¨ juntando ¨polen¨, si las agarras en tus ¨manos¨, es muy probable que pruebes el poder de estas ¨diminutas¨ ¨criaturas¨. Ahora cuando sientas en el ¨bosque¨ qué te están ¨observando¨, es porque realmente hay pequeños ¨seres¨ ¨curiosos¨ viendo que estás haciendo allí con una cámara ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ en las manos tomando fotografías

If you feel attracted to a "flower" from the "garden", take a good look before touching them, it may be occupied by a "bee" gathering "pollen" at that moment. Grab it in your "hands", it is very likely that you will taste the power of these "tiny" "creatures". Now when you feel in the ¨forest¨ that they are ¨observing¨ you, it is because there are really little ¨beings¨ ¨curious¨ seeing what you are doing there with a ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ camera in your hands taking pictures

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
One eats the next keeping balance in the garden, most are not to be handled with ability to protect themselves quite admirably.
Nice mixed selection from your garden @jlufer
We have gone out hunting for insects, and luckily we have found a good variety, although I wanted to find butterflies and dragonflies, we had no luck with them
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you provide to my post
have a nice dayHello dear friend @joanstewart good day
Sudden change in weather and everything comes out, sadly I am in a similar situation with not many sitting long enough.
Happy Easter and have a wonderful weekend @jlufer
Thank you for entering the competition.
The garden provides many opportunities for observing insects :-).
For the completeness of the rules, it is necessary to insert a link to your article in the comments below the original challenge.
It is a real pleasure to accompany you in your weekly challenges.
I have already inserted the link in the comments, I had thought that I had placed it
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a happy resthello dear friend @bucipuci good afternoon
Thank you :-)
Beautiful photography my friend, that red flower looks vibrant and it seemed like you are having beautiful sunny days. You have also taken some nice pictures of the grasshopper, pretty amazing...
Have a great weekend my friend...
very happy to know that my images have been to your liking.
Thank you very much for your kind words and support that you provide to my post
have a splendid weekendhow are you dear friend @priyanarc good day
Wonderful captures !'But oh, what damage they do! Except the bee and the spider.
hello dear friend @ silversaver888 good day
I heartily appreciate your kind words, you are very kind
have a beautiful saturday of glory
As kind as you are to me, my dear friend @jlufer!
Have a good evening!
Beautiful nature i love that big grasshopper he is big..lol 😱
hello, dear friend @ kohsamui99 good day
Yes, the grasshoppers here are quite large, they are also great plant eater.
I appreciate with all my heart this pleasant visit and the enormous support you give me
have a beautiful easter sunday
Love these Grasshoppers they are a beautiful insect but yes they can be very damaging to your plants.
Wishing you and family a great Easter Sunday.
@jlufer - !WINE
have a beautiful saturdayThank you very much dear friend @andyjim for the great support you give me