Death Makes Us Appreciate Life

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago



I want to try to write a post where the pain of grief doesn't show, but it has been quite complicated for weeks now. Even music feels different since my dad's departure. I know that this is something temporary because I am a strong person with a lot of will to live, but I have found refuge in some things that I would have never understood before, and in this post I talk about it...


Many times I have even made fun of people who talk to plants, and although I have not gone to that extreme, now I find passion in the existence of plants and I appreciate flowers very much. It's amazing how at 34 years old I don't know the name of most of the vegetation around me, but they have always been there, and now I am beginning to observe them.


The new way of living that we are learning day by day since that fatal moment that changed our lives has led us to make changes at home and has also made us visit many people who have helped us in the grieving process. Maybe inside I am not ready for social life and strangely every place I go I let myself be carried away by the magic of the plants, especially by the beauty of the flowers. I can appreciate them for hours and see every detail in them.


What has surprised me the most is that I can find peace and forget the problems in those moments, just like when I was making music, so at the moment I find them a great way of spiritual healing. I consider them perfect for me, because they are living beings, I feel their life and the best thing is that they do not tell me how I should act in this moment of grief. Plants just listen and become great allies in the midst of sadness.


Regarding nature my passion has always been the sky, the clouds, even here in the community I think I started posting about clouds, and yes, sometimes I have shared beautiful pictures of flowers, but never with the passion with which I write today. I feel I must convey this feeling to my mom, the one most affected by this family event, I hope to take her to a special place soon where it's just the flowers and us and possibly a guitar to get back to the music in the best way.


Whenever I share photos I always close by saying that I am not a photographer, just a lover of capturing special moments for me. These photos were taken with my Tecno Pova II and have a subtle editing that I have done with PhotoDirector App. I hope everyone liked them and I personally hope that this passion will last me a lifetime and keep growing, because plants are definitely lives, and it took a death to make me realize it...


Firma 2022.png


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Plants are indeed our allies in moments of grief and sadness. I never talked to any of my Mom's plants in our backyard but reading this made me think that it'd be just as therapeutic as what writing means to me and how music is to yours. You have found console in nature and felt that even in decay—these living things is a part of our survival. I wish you and your mother well sooner!

Flowers are beautiful and it gladdens my heart that you could find some peace around them. Each line of your post speaks sincerity of your heart brother, I wish you well in your moment of grief, I hope mum gets stronger. Life will surely be normal someday to you and your moments of challenges will be no more. It really touched me when you said that it is somehow difficult for you to experience or enjoy that pleasant feeling music normally gives to you.. Be strong brother🙏🙏💜

Creo que una gran manera de ir retomando la vida poco a poco es hacerse cargo de algo, quizás comenzando por algo pequeño y una planta puede ser la opción ideal, pues no solamente debemos cuidarla y regarla para que crezca sana, sino que también a medida que va creciendo nos regalará su belleza y eso se convertirá en sanación para nosotros.

Sin duda que admirar las plantas puede ser una gran terapia, no solo para ti sino también para tu mamá y si puedes incluir poco a poco la guitarra, creo que será una linda manera de volver a la música.

No doubt that admiring plants can be a great therapy, not only for you but also for your mom and if you can gradually include the guitar, I think it will be a nice way to return to music.

Hello friend! Notice I hadn't thought of that. I think it's a perfect time in life to have a plant really mine for the first time hahaha. In fact our kitty, Doctor Crispin has been a pain in the ass for me during February, and I'm a number one cat fan, it's been really weird for me to grieve. I will take this advice into account, although first I have to define in which city I really live 😵

¡Hola amiga!. Fíjate que no había pensado en eso. Creo que es un momento perfecto en la vida para tener una planta realmente mía por primera vez jajaja. De hecho nuestro gatito, el Doctor Crispín ha sido una molestia para mí durante febrero, y soy fan número uno de los gatos, realmente el duelo ha sido muy raro para mí. Tomaré ne cuenta este consejo, aunque primero debo definir en que ciudad vivo realmente 😵

Plants are definitely a blessing of nature, besides their beauty they have and give life, through the oxygen we breathe. It also happens to me that I stay admiring the flowers when I find a beautiful garden and this relaxes me a lot. It also allows us to have a moment of peace and silence, which is so necessary.

Definitivamente las plantas son una bendición de la naturaleza, además de su belleza tienen y dan vida, a través de oxigeno que respiramos. También me pasa que me quedo admirando las flores cuando encuentro un hermoso jardín y esto me relaja mucho. Además esto nos permite tener un momento de paz y silencio, que tanto es necesario.

That's right Rosana. What surprises me is that I had never connected with them until now. That's why the title of this post. I think I have started to see life differently, I am rediscovering myself with all that has happened, both the good, and the bad. I like this new passion for plants, I just hope it is not a passing feeling. Thank you for your visit and comment dear friend 😍

Así es Rosana. Lo que me sorprende es que nunca había conectado con ellas hasta ahora. Por eso el título de este post. Creo que he comenzado a ver la vida de manera distinta, me estoy redescubriendo con todo lo que ha pasado, tanto en lo bueno, como en lo malo. Esta nueva pasión por las plantas me gusta, solo espero que no sea un sentimiento pasajero. Gracias por tu visita y comentario querida amiga 😘

Hermano, comprendo exactamente lo que mencionas ahí arriba, y aunque no se directamente lo que sientes, pero de solo imaginarlo se me parte el alma 😥 No es nada fácil adaptarse a vivir sin una persona que fue tan significativa para tu existir, supongo que hubieras preferido apreciar todos estos detalles de la fauna y vegetación mucho antes y así poder compartirlo con tu padre... Pero lo que quizás no sabes, es que probablemente el sigue compartiendo contigo justo cuando estas al lado de las plantas, y apuesto a que ya lo has pensado hermano.... Querido hermano mio, eres una de mis mas grandes admiraciones en toda la familia Hive, te mando un fuerte abrazo hermano querido Dios te bendiga!!! ♥

Estas percibiendo la belleza en otras formas que no habías experimentado antes. Sé que pronto saldrás fortalecido de todo ese cúmulo de emociones que sientes en tu naturalidad y humanidad por la partida de tu padre… No es para menos.

Post data: Yo también estoy raspada en la boleta con los nombres de plantas. Al menos se que no estoy sola en esto jajaja

Me agrada esta forma de drenar @jesuslnrs. ¡Te mando un abrazo! Esas fotografías están espectaculares. Sé que te escucharé pronto. Quizás la canción de la ley - Aquí (como tu mismo lo mencionaste en mi post).