Shadowy trees are blessing provided to us by Nature.

in WE ARE MOVING9 months ago

Good day all!

I hope your day has been as fantastic as you all are.
Trees are truly the lungs of earth as they provide life to earth. Besides, they help us survive the hottest days of Summer by absorbing all the carbon dioxide and keeping the temperature under control. With their help, we really get a chance to control the global warming.

On my usual walk yesterday I came across a wonderful masterpiece of nature. A big, wide, thick and strong green tree standing with all its might on the side of the road was nothing less than nature's artistic work of beauty.

The tree looked and elderly one as it was spread all around it was really thick. My first look at it brought a sigh out of my lungs as I found pleasure by just looking at it. Such trees on the sides of the roads are very much essential not only for the earth but for all dwelling here.

In the scorching heat, people who are heading home can take some rest under such green trees and animals can also sit under them to relax themselves for a while.

The thickness of such trees is really a huge blessing as it provides really cool shadow and serene comfort under them. People who live around these places come here in the evening and enjoy some time sitting under them to enjoy a bit of their life under the thick, cool and relaxing trees.

The density of their trunks and leaves everyone in awe who comes across them and no one leaves without admiring these wonders of nature for the comfort they provide to all who sits under them.

Such trees are not less than blessing. We must take steps to plant more trees on such places and look after the ones who are already planted and help them grow so that everyone can relax and rest under these marvels of nature.
